Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I have prostate cancer. I am 73 years old, my doctor has advised me to have my testicles removed

I have prostate cancer. I am 73 years old, my doctor has advised me to have my testicles removed ???
I don't have any reason to keep my testicles at my age. I understand that if I don't have them I won't be able to produce testosterone which will slow down the growth of cancer and I should live for another 10 years which will allow me to build a reasonable bank account for my 11 yo daughter
Men's Health - 11 Answers
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1 :
sorry to hear that if it is gonna keep you alive then do it.
2 :
So... What is the question... Are you sure that prostate cancer can even kill you?
3 :
That doesnt make any damn sense! My pops had that and he had radiation! I think your doctor is a quack!
4 :
That's a major decision. I'm sure your doctor looks at your age and thinks that you probably don't have sex any more, but many men and women your age lead very active sex lives. If you're married or ever plan on dating again, the removal of your testicles will be an issue. Of course, the value of your testicles doesn't compare to the value of your life. I understand that you want to live much longer for your daughter. I think that's admirable. If the quality of life trade off is worth it for you, then go ahead.
5 :
Sometimes it is best to get a second opinion from another Dr.
6 :
If prostate cancer isn't caught early it is very common for it to spread to the testes and in most cases the testes are the first place for prostate cancer to spread. Testicular cancer is common among young men AND men who have prostate cancer. You're in the latter group and I am sure your doctor has reasons for advising this. You'll get artificial testicles put in (so your scrotum doesn't feel different). However, you'll have hormone issues (very low testosterone levels) and I am unsure if your doctor would prescribe testosterone replacement because testosterone is one of the major causes of prostate cancer growth. However, a second opinion from a specialist in the area of prostate cancer would be advisable. You should never rely on just one opinion from one doctor. After all, doctors are human and do make mistakes.
7 :
Sorry to hear your diagnosis. This is certainly a method I have never heard of for prostate cancer, There are injectable ways of reducing testosterone. The most common treatment is to have your prostated resected, or if the cancer is more advanced then have it removed - this can be done in a number of ways. I am a urology nurse of many years, and would suggest you speak to your dr again, as I am genuinely shocked that this would be an approach. Good luck
8 :
There is a procedure that zaps the prostate. I don't know what it's called, but I know my grandfather has to have his prostate surgically removed by a laser. I would suggest that you talk to your doctor and ask him if you could have the prostate zapped instead of him having to remove your testicles. I'm not a doctor, but I hope I helped.
9 :
10 :
do what the doctors recommend you do. if it will help you survive, then yes do it for you and you girl.
11 :
Please NOBODY click the link from baftdeb u or baftqes f. They and baehtoo e (probably same user) are posting this everywhere. It is a malware link and will destroy your system. Report them, they have already done damage. If enough of us report them they will get the jail time they deserve (up to 30 years). And to post their links against such an important question they must be sick. I have now sent a report to the authorities as well as reporting here.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is my cellular phone really going to give me testicular/prostate cancer

Is my cellular phone really going to give me testicular/prostate cancer?
like.. really?!
Cell Phones & Plans - 2 Answers
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1 :
Well there have been studies that show that cell phones do emit radiation. So Yes, sorry.
2 :
It seems unlikely, even if your ears were next to your gonads :-) Cell phones operate on VERY low power - like a few watts. A little tiny Christmas tree bulb uses one watt, so that's like saying you're going to get cancer from a string of lites on your tree. Not too likely, I have a sneakin' suspicion. As to radiation: EVERYTHING emits radiation. Even PEOPLE emit tiny pulses; that's how an EEG works. It's just not NUCLEAR radiation. Your cell phone emits the same kind of radiation as a simple transistor radio - electromagnetic radiation. Your cell just doesn't emit NEARLY as much, and it emits most of it as heat (which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum just like visible light, radio waves, infrared, microwave, and ultraviolet wavelengths). It's a question of power, not wavelengths, and with only 3 - 4 watts of power, it's not something to sit around and worry about. You have a lot bigger chance of getting zapped by your microwave ;-)

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is any men out there 45 or younger dealing with prostate cancer

Is any men out there 45 or younger dealing with prostate cancer ?
what was some of first symptoms you had ?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
No, Im 45 and my Doctor told me to come back after 50 because thats the beginning of the risk age. Your too young ..If you do have it its quiet unusal at your age..
2 :
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is nonmalignant adenomatous overgrowth of the periurethral prostate gland. Symptoms are those of bladder outlet obstruction—urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia (urination during night), hesitancy, incomplete emptying, terminal dribbling, overflow incontinence, or complete urinary retention. Diagnosis is based on digital rectal examination, cystoscopy, transrectal ultrasonography, or IVU. Treatment options include 5α-reductase inhibitors, α-blockers, and surgery. Symptoms:- (1) Frequent urination especially at night. (2) Feeling that urination has not done completely. If you try again after few minutes, you can pass a large volume of urine again. (3) Weak flow of urine and intermittedly. A child can pass urine as a jet of water with force. (4) Delay in urination. If you try, urine will come out a little later and not suddenly. (5) Urgent need for urination. (6) Dripping of urine. Transurethral resection of the prostate (also known as TURP, plural TURPs) is a urological operation for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Prostate Specific Antigen test is done to rule out the possibility of prostate cancer. Please see the web pages for more details on Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, PSA and TURP.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Prostate cancer = weaken immunity

Prostate cancer = weaken immunity?
I'm currently doing a nursing assignment on prostate cancer, one part of it is discussing the health issues that a terminal prostate cancer has on a palliative care patient. I've been researching on the Internet and haven't been able to find anything directly to support that Prostate cancer could cause a weaken immunity. I'd really appreciate it if anyone had any information? Thank-you all in advance! :)
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
The cancer itself will not cause a failed immunity because the cancer comes directly from the patient's own body and the white cells do not recognize them as a threat. What will happen during prostate cancer is when they have chemo or radiation. Especially chemo. Now, to the body, this is foreign and the white cells are going to attack it rendering the patient very susceptible and weak which in turn cause infections. If that happens, the white cells now have to attack the infection. Again, weakened immunity. If the patient does not have chemo, like my father -in-law, then the cancer can put the entire body in a state of fatigue. We know the role of red blood cells and white blood cells. Anytime there is a disease in the body that is not and autoimmune disease, the immune system will attack and every time it goes after the bacteria or bad germs that enter the body, of course the person will be weak. The answer to this could go on and on but I think you get the idea. I hope anyway. Good luck in nursing school A noble profession if I do say so myself. Hmm,..I just did. Have fun
2 :
1) I have taken care of men who have prostatectomy for prostate cancer very frequently. I'm not aware of any association between prostate cancer and a weaken immune system 2) The only association I can think of is if the cancer spreads and the patient attempted some type of chemo and/or radiation treatment to shrink the tumors, thus causing bone marrow suppression. (Prostate cancer tends to spread to the pelvic bones.) The biggest issue surround the care of a person with terminal prostate cancer is pain control.
3 :
Weaken immunity in prostate cancer: - Pain - patients are tired of fighting against their pain (that sometimes doesn't stop with pain-killers), and they feel weak. - If the cancer is at advanced state (metastasis), neighbor organs will suffer the consequences that would influence weakness. - Diet - cancer patients lacks appetite, and this will cause nutritional deficiencies (and weak immunity) - Cancer treatment (either chemotherapy, radiations or other invasive interventions) will weaken the immunity. - Psychological patterns (usually affect cancer patients) associated with "bad" humor substances release will influence weakness of immunity. - Cancer is often associated with other diseases or conditions (opportunistic that flourish when cancer), which will aggravate the weakness of your immunity.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is there is relation between prostate enlargement and prostate cancer

Is there is relation between prostate enlargement and prostate cancer?

Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
I believe that the prostate enlarges slightly with age. The ultimate test, although I've read that it isn't as accurate as some would like , is the PSA test. If you're worried, just ask your doc for a PSA test.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pat Robertson had prostate cancer. What did God punish him for

Pat Robertson had prostate cancer. What did God punish him for?
Pat Robertsom believes in God's punishments. he once said that 9/11 was a punishment from God for tolerating gays. And now it turns out he himself had a prostate cancer. I wonder, what kind of sin did God punish him for?
Religion & Spirituality - 23 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :

1 :
So you believe in God, then?
2 :
Funny everything seemed okay when he showed me his secret parts.
3 :
why, i do believe your line of reasoning is the same as pat robertson's.
4 :
Ah, but he's not being punished. It will be, of course, that "God" is testing him like he once tested Job of the Old Testament. P.S. Who believes anything Pat Robertson says in the first place?
5 :
the flesh is not infallible...
6 :
Well, obviously for not getting enough people to believe in his crazy BS. God has to give his servants preformance incentives you see...
7 :
He punished him for holding in his farts too much and making them come out his mouth in the form of preaching punishments from God on others.
8 :
Nothing. It's coincidence. Nothing that moron has said makes any sense. He said Katrina was punishment for gays, when that section was one of the least damaged sections in New Orleans. I believe he also claimed to have leg pressed some figure more than anyone on the planet even though he's a crazy old man. Unless crazy moves iron these days...
9 :
His homosexuality
10 :
Not sure if stupidity is a sin. But arrogance and pride are.
11 :
He is a prick.
12 :
I have never been happy that anyone had cancer.........until now
13 :
Not whackin' it enough, apparently. Probably because he was fighting his natural christian male/public figure gay tendencies.
14 :
God does not punish people with cancer
15 :
It was a test for Pat to see if he will stay faithful to God and His will for him. I don't know Pat Robertson, I never watched him, but here's the answer! God was NOT behind the 9/11 attacks! That came from people who fell in Satan's trap. Lord forgive me if I'm wrong, but it sounds to me PAT no longer needs to be on air!
16 :
Everything that comes out of his mouth.
17 :
God isn't punishing Pat,,all of us will leave here some day one way or the other,maybe his is thur cancer..beware that one day it will be you.
18 :
Probably eating a lifetime of pig products.
19 :
USE IT OR LOOSE IT, The prostate gland grows with age, more so if man stop having sex, then cancer comes, it was not god, is only sin was to stop having sex.
20 :
21 :
For being a jackass. Actually, for lying, using charitable donations for a for-profit enterprise, being a bigot, filling the TV with sob stories, and doling out bad theology and heresy. Pat Robertson is just an all-around asshole.
22 :
You cannot hold one man accountable for the whole idenity of Christianity. ..God wants the best for us, Satan comes to rob, kill, and destroy, NOT God. ...But there will be a day to come for his Wrath, his Judgement (read the Bible on these issues, it will really help you out)
23 :
Politics do not belong at the bedside. Like all men with prostate cancer, Pat Robertson, who had surgery, deserves sympathy and support. The same is true for Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell, Ehud Olmert, Merv Griffin, Jorge Mas Canosa, football star Robin Cole, baseball star Ken Griffey ... it's up to us to uphold a professional standard. One notes, by the way, that Pat Robertson has probably done more for prostate cancer awareness than just about anyone. You should see some of his excellent broadcasts on subject.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

What will Pat Robertson give as God's reason that PM Olmert of Israel got prostate cancer

What will Pat Robertson give as God's reason that PM Olmert of Israel got prostate cancer?
Since Robertson lets us know that God told him Ariel Sharon was being punished for the concessions over the occupied territories and that was why he had a stroke he must know why Olmert got prostate cancer right?
Religion & Spirituality - 6 Answers
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1 :
Probably that it's a sign that all guys should get checked for prostate cancer.
2 :
who cares really
3 :
Something incredibly inane, I'm sure. That's his specialty.
4 :
5 :
it's because he didn't kill more Lebanese and Palestinians to satisfy the blood thirst of their god.
6 :
He was too soft and merciful to the enemies of Satan (their god). .

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