Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When should I be worried about prostate cancer

When should I be worried about prostate cancer?
I'm young, 19, to be exact, and I always have this urge to use the bathroom, not that I constantly have to, but maybe it's also paranoia O.o, iono, when is a good time to worry about this irregular feeling into lower bowl of your area :x
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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Most men should start having regular prostate checks for cancer beginning at 50 years of age, but if you have any doubts you should set up an appointment with your doctor.
2 :
Do you have it in your family? My father and my mom's brother are both survivors of prostate cancer, after undergoing surgery that I don't want to have - ever. They say that prostate cancer is something that will happen to all men eventually, it's only a question of getting screened early enough and staying healthy. About age 40, or in your thirties, you need to have your blood checked, and maybe as late as your fifties, for PSA (prostate-specific antigen). The doctor will do routine checks for BPH (benign prostratic hypertrophy) by feeling inside your rectum for an enlarged prostate. This is what you will hear most about. It's sensationalized because it's in a private area. It's not the problem that guys like to make it out to be. Guys are just grown-up boys. It's easy enough to catch for those who care enough to get tested and keep watch to live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise. Eat right. Get your PSA level checked. You'll live a long time.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Question about prostate cancer

Question about prostate cancer?
Does prostate cancer itself cause involuntary weight loss or is this a consequence of the treatment? If any one knows and could point out a good site that discusses this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Yes, prostate cancer patients sometimes suffer from a condition called cachexia. According to the National Cancer Institute, “It is estimated that half of all cancer patients experience cachexia, the rapid loss of a large amount of weight along with fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. Cachexia is a serious problem among many patients who have advanced cancer.” It's common for prostate cancer patients to lose weight during treatment because foods may taste different, or they just may not feel like eating. Here is an excellent website which discusses cachexia and proper treatment for this condition: http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Hydrazine.html Hope this helps.
2 :
Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Flomax. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd34.notlong.com/AATPqaW
3 :
Try wish123 excellent resource. I post a question on the website wish123 for my health problems and received an excellent answer from a doctor.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Why does only masturbating reduce a man's chance of getting prostate cancer? Why not regular sex

Why does only masturbating reduce a man's chance of getting prostate cancer? Why not regular sex?

Men's Health - 6 Answers
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1 :
ask God
2 :
i am hearing this for the first time in my life Prostate cancer can happen to anybudy. masturbating or not masturbating
3 :
sex does too. the thing is most guys masturbate more often than they get sex. even married guys dont have sex every day. Its all about number of ejaculations
4 :
I think men need to just have orgasms on a regular basis; like several times a week. It does not make a difference if it is from sex or masturbation.
5 :
It doesn't make any difference if the orgasms are produced by masturbating or sex. The point about masturbating is that it maintains the ejaculation rate when a sexual partner is not available. A study found that men who have had regular ejaculations (20+ per month) throughout their teens and adult life, have a significant reduction in the risk of contracting prostate cancer in later life. This study lasted several years, and involved 30,000 subjects. A later study suggested the opposite to be true, but this only looked at 800 men, and was conducted over a shorter time span, so it's results aren't as reliable as the previous research. Hope this helps
6 :
all guys masturbate before they ever start to have regular sex... the key word being regular... ejaculation is the actual factor in reducing prostate cancer risk...

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is prostate cancer hereditary

is prostate cancer hereditary?
My boyfriend just told me his dad may have prostate cancer. Is there any chance he could have it too?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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It's not necessarily hereditary, but you are at a greater risk of getting it if it is in your family.
2 :
he might have the cancer but in latent state. the best way to find out is by consulting a doctor
3 :
It's not hereditary but if your father/grandfather has/had it your chances are higher. At 40 he should have a baseline psa and then have periodic tests every year or so to monitor. It's a simple blood test so it's no big deal. He needs to discuss with his physician.
4 :
Hereditary cancer is rare - fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary - and cancer diagnosed after the age of 50 is even less likely to be hereditary. A sign that cancer MIGHT be hereditary is when several members of the same side of a family have had that SAME type of cancer, especially if some have developed it at a younger than usual age. One family member over the age of 50 with an age related cancer like prostate cancer is not hereditary

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

14 too young for prostate cancer

14 too young for prostate cancer?
I noticed after doing prostate stimulation that I am having a bit trouble starting to urinate and sometimes I dribble. Being a worrier / hypochondriac, I'm worrying about prostate cancer especially because of the stimulation. What do you think is going on?
Men's Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
boys can get prostate cancer at 14 but more likely is your irriated your prostate by rubbing it to hard see how urinating works is a few days
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you are just looking for something to worry about. you need to leave your prostate alone...read a good book! that will be less to worry about. Anyone can get cancer, but its highly unlikely that you have it, and blood work would determine that.You are too young to be worrying about such..find a good hobby...
3 :
anything is possible, but it is very unlikely that you have prostate cancer. i think you have oversimulated your young prostate gland and i don't think it's somthing to worry about, stop the prostate massage and see if the urination problem stops.
4 :
A benign enlarged prostate is much more common than prostate cancer. And prostate stimulation doesn't cause cancer. As to what's going on, I don't know, but I doubt seriously that it's cancer or anything to lose sleep over. The only way to know for sure if there's something going on that needs attention is to tell your doctor and let him check you out (and yes, you need to tell him about the prostate stimulation while masturbating--trust me, he's heard and seen it all).

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Breast cancer verses prostate cancer

Breast cancer verses prostate cancer?
I mean, you hear about breast cancer all the time, people trying to raise money and awareness, which I think is great. But you never hear about prostate cancer. Why is that?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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First off let me say that I lost a very close family member to prostate cancer. The reason you don't see as much about it is because it usually affects older men. Breast cancer strikes women of all ages on a much more regular basis. By the time most men are diagnosed they are already fairly old and near the end of their lives. I agree that more should be done about prostate cancer, but I also understand that there are only so many resources to go around, and that more people can probably benefit from breast cancer research.
2 :
That is a great point, prostate cancer is the number 2 cancer in males too! Maybe men are too "personal" to talk about it - since talking about it most likely would prove to the world that they have had things stuck up the @$$. It's nothing to be ashamed of - maybe they dont want to lose their pride.
3 :
Breast Cancer gets more support that's all. Look at lung cancer it's deadly and they don't even have a proper screening tool.
4 :
The big push for breast cancer awareness, fund raising and research was a grassroots effort started years ago by family members of those who died of breast cancer and those who survived it. Breast cancer accounts for 29% of all cancers. Although prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, it is not nearly as deadly. At its peak the death rate was 27 in 100,000 and it is not unusual for a man to live with it for 10-20 years. Men are usually diagnosed when they are over 65 years of age. Most breast cancers occur in postmenopausal women, but 25% do not. I have had two this week in women who are 31 and 32 years of age, both found the lump while breastfeeding their baby. It is not likely either will live long enough to see their children past elementary school. Thanks to all the effort made by everyday people to find a cure for breast cancer it is no longer the death sentence it once was. We still do not have a cure, but we have learned so much more and are better able to manage the disease. Research is ongoing for all types of cancer there is just not highly organized groups to keep it in the news or raising money for it. However, anyone can start one if they wish.
5 :
The Los Angeles Dodgers do a big fund raiser for Prostate Cancer. Your right, however, not enough is done to promote awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

What treatments are there for prostate cancer

What treatments are there for prostate cancer?

Cancer - 1 Answers
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Treatment options for prostate cancer with intent to cure are primarily surgery, radiation therapy, and proton therapy. Other treatments, such as hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, cryosurgery, and high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) also exist, depending on the clinical scenario and desired outcome. The age and underlying health of the man, the extent of metastasis, appearance under the microscope, and response of the cancer to initial treatment are important in determining the outcome of the disease. The decision whether or not to treat localized prostate cancer (a tumor that is contained within the prostate) with curative intent is a patient trade-off between the expected beneficial and harmful effects in terms of patient survival and quality of life. Treatment for prostate cancer may involve active surveillance (monitoring for tumor progress or symptoms), surgery (i.e. radical prostatectomy), radiation therapy including brachytherapy (prostate brachytherapy) and external beam radiation therapy, High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), chemotherapy, oral chemotherapeutic drugs (Temozolomide/TMZ), cryosurgery, hormonal therapy, or some combination.f the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, treatment options significantly change, so most doctors that treat prostate cancer use a variety of nomograms to predict the probability of spread. Treatment by watchful waiting/active surveillance, HIFU, external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy, cryosurgery, and surgery are, in general, offered to men whose cancer remains within the prostate. Hormonal therapy and chemotherapy are often reserved for disease that has spread beyond the prostate. However, there are exceptions: radiation therapy may be used for some advanced tumors, and hormonal therapy is used for some early stage tumors. Cryotherapy (the process of freezing the tumor), hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy may also be offered if initial treatment fails and the cancer progressesf the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, treatment options significantly change, so most doctors that treat prostate cancer use a variety of nomograms to predict the probability of spread. Treatment by watchful waiting/active surveillance, HIFU, external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy, cryosurgery, and surgery are, in general, offered to men whose cancer remains within the prostate. Hormonal therapy and chemotherapy are often reserved for disease that has spread beyond the prostate. However, there are exceptions: radiation therapy may be used for some advanced tumors, and hormonal therapy is used for some early stage tumors. Cryotherapy (the process of freezing the tumor), hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When you do a biopsy for prostate cancer

When you do a biopsy for prostate cancer....?
I heard that you don't feel it when they sting your prostate to get the biopsy sample since the region does not have any nerves, and thus there is no pain. Is this true?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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There are several ways to do prostate biopsy. It is done mostly through your rectum. Most likely doctor will use local anasthetics and the procedure takes 30 mins. You should not have much of the pain as thin needle is used.
2 :
No that is not true. Normally the Urologist will deaden the area with a local anesthetic. But a couple of times it may have pain. I had Prostate Cancer, and they took twelve cores for Biopsy.
3 :
1) Prostate biopsy painful or not? There are two types of anesthesia when biopsy for prostate: a)Lidocaine gel inserted in the rectum and allowed to absorb, b) an injection of a lidocaine solution through the rectal wall and into the nerve bundles near the prostate. The placement of the injections was guided through the use of an ultrasound machine which helped the doctors see the correct location to make the injection. The injection to be the more effective method, and one that had virtually no side effects. The gel absorbed in the rectum has more potential for side effects, such as discomfort ranging from mild to severe pain, profuse sweating and dizziness. 2) When you do a biopsy for prostate cancer? The physician's diagnosis is based on biopsy result, so if your PSA stays high(>3), there are possibilities of positive biopsy but you have decide by yourself do it or not, and when.
4 :
That would not be true. The region is filled with tiny nerves and the prostate is very sensitive. They inject the prostate with something like Novocaine to dull the sensation before they begin. I had a biopsy a couple of months ago. They insert this ultrasound device into your rectum to help guide them in finding the exact location for the biopsy. they insert the biobsy needles, which are attached to a gun with a trigger. when they release the needle it snaps out really quickly and grabs the surrounding tissue. It isn't painful exactly, it feel more like being snapped with a rubber band. it gradually becomes more uncomfortable though, and by the 10th one I was ready for them to stop. They took twelve samples. The Dr. told me there might be a little blood in my urine for a few days and some blood in my semen for up to a week. There was a lot of blood! it freaked me out....but it did go away quickly. Other than that, it wasn't that bad,

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