Monday, December 24, 2012

Serious answers only - Prostate Cancer

Serious answers only - Prostate Cancer?
My husband was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer - he is only in his early fourty's. - they will remove his prostate - my question is, if he does the robatic procedure, will he keep his errection? If not, what else is out there to help him? I'm afraid, that this will depress him severly (I know I would be depressed). What can I do to help him thru this and also afterwards? Can the cancer society help?
Men's Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
There is a new ultrasound procedure that claims to decrease the risk of causing erection difficulties. Many men have difficulty obtaining or maintaining erections after prostate removal, even with taking medications like viagra or cealis. Check up on the web, that's how I located the new procedure.
2 :
IF AT ALL POSSIBLE DONT DO ROBOTIC!! my grandfather had the robotic done and they knicked his rectum and it took about 2 years of pain and agony to finish this off.. if you go with the robotic have your lawyer standing by.....
3 :
I promise you, if he dies because he goes untreated, he will not have an erection for you. Treatment at least gives him a chance. Treatment results vary, but robotic results tend to be better. They allow more precision in destroying only diseased tissue, with less chance of affecting his sex life. He can still be a great lover, even if he does have erection problems after treatment. Show him that you love everything he does for you - that's what real potency is about, making the lady happy. Be ready to try different things with him. Find out what still works, maybe things you never tried before. There are surgical options; do some research and be prepared for conversations with lots of emotion in them. Some women have self-image problems after mastectomy. True lovers still love them anyway. Men might have self-image problems after prostate treatment. True lovers still love them anyway. Prepare for the worst. Who knows - you might not get it.
4 :
Chris, You are asking a number of very important questions. The first step in getting good answers is the identification of a doctor who is skilled in this area and can spend the time you need to go through it. Having said that ... Many variables affect post-op function, including erections. Younger men recover erections faster than older men, for example. In this, your husband has a relative advantage. It does not always make sense to keep or take the nerves. The decision has to be made in context of a cancer decision. What stage is the cancer? What grade was found on the biopsy? Can one nerve be spared? Should both be spared? These can be considered when all the details are known. The "robot" is nothing but a distraction. In other words, what gizmo the surgeon uses is practically irrelevant. You might want to listen to the two interviews linked below, especially the Prostate Net one on robotic prostate surgery. What truly matters is this: who is the surgeon? A good surgeon knows which tools to use to get the job done. To help you find the good surgeon, ask about his experience, focus, commitment. Talk with his other patients. If he won't introduce you, that's a red flag all by itself. You're already doing a lot for your husband. Women so often do. Ask questions, share what you find, and just be there.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prostate is diagnosed more than breast cancer. But why isn't there equal support for prostate cancer

Prostate is diagnosed more than breast cancer. But why isn't there equal support for prostate cancer ?
Breast Cancer out paced prostate cancer research $548mill to $306 mill according to NCI(National Cancer Institute). Even though there are more diagnoses Prostate Cancer than Breast Cancer by 230,110 new cases to 215,990( There fundraisers for breast cancer like the pink ribbon fundraiser which is great but where is the ribbon for prostate cancer ? There are telethons for breast cancer, 10k runs for breast cancer, collection on airline flights for breast cancer. There isn't equal support for prostate cancer even though prostate is diagnosed more than breast cancer. Why ?Why do we care more about women than men? Does anybody find this disturbing ?
Gender Studies - 16 Answers
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1 :
Because breasts generally get more attention in day-to-day lives than prostates? I've met women who don't even know where the prostate is (can't say I blame them for not knowing, lacking one, and all). How many guys do you know who don't know where breasts are?
2 :
I have a theory about this, but I'm not sure many people on here are going to like it. I honestly think it's just another way to talk about sex and use sex to sell products (i.e. the pink ribbon stuff) without actually mentioning sex. Because, you know, even if the breasts are infected with a cancerous growth, they're still breasts. And breasts will sell products. It's better to donate your money or time directly to the organizations that help fund the research and not buy a box of cookies or do a fun-run and hope for the best, IMO. I know it's a big stretch to make, and maybe I haven't given this a whole lot of thought, but that's one of my theories. That said, Safeway is raising money right now for prostate cancer research (or at least they are out here in my little corner of the midwest). Every time I've been to the grocery store in the past two weeks they've asked if I wanted to round my total up to the nearest dollar to help fund prostate cancer research.
3 :
Sheer ambition? Women get psyched up about curing breast cancer and bring their husbands and boyfriends, sons and nephews... into the fight. I'm sure if men waged a similar campaign similar results would be achieved.
4 :
Men don't go to the doctor like women do for one. It's the way we are. Men have the need to be tough and being sick isn't tough. We have a I can beat it mentality whereas women love to share and bond over things like being sick.
5 :
I can't believe that anyone would begrudge support and fund raising for any type of cancer. It's not a competition. However, if you want to compare, the National Cancer Institute statistics indicate that while there are slightly more cases of prostate cancer diagnosed each year, deaths from breast cancer outnumber deaths from prostate cancer 40,000 to 28,000. Breast cancer is a more lethal form of cancer. Maybe that has something to do with it.
6 :
I have to post this every week. Because breast cancer is deadlier than prostate cancer. Men die WITH prostate cancer not from it. They are older when they get it and mostly manage without the expensive treatments. The exception the one type that strikes younger men that one is getting research $$. As it should. The five year survival rate is 99% and for breast cancer it is now 79%. As for all of those fundraising efforts - women did that. Men can do the same, no one is stopping you. Hop to it.
7 :
Women are better organizers???
8 :
Women are organizers of events and joiners of movements - far more than men. One isn't more important that the other, neither is one gender more important that the other. Its simply that the breast cancer issue has been around much longer, and was - largely - brought to great awareness by women. So - as men - what are you going to do about it?
9 :
It is all about marketability. Most of the products that support the Susan G Koman Foundation (the main organization) have more profit go towards the company selling it. It is easy, they just make something pink that would normally be made a different expense to them other than the partial profits that are lost and go to the foundation. Breasts tend to be sexier than prostates, which makes them easier to market as well.
10 :
maybe because too many "men" are wasting time on forums like this, crying and moaning about how unfair the whole freakin' world is to them... (boohoo) even claiming CANCER research and fund raising is somehow an evil feminist plot against MEN? By George, I think we've heard it ALL now! Get off your own whining lazy misogynist feminist fearing butt and make things happen for the world of "men's cancer" just like women had to do. I seriously doubt you want to go down the "women get better health care" road, do you? Women specific health care is a relatively very NEW medical arena. 50 years ago, no one gave a CRAP about women's health issues... but now WOMEN do and have made everyone aware. Go out and do the same for men and stop crying.
11 :
There isn't equal support for prostate cancer even though prostate is diagnosed more than breast cancer. Why ?Why do we care more about women than men? Does anybody find this disturbing ? You are kidding, right?
12 :
Prostate cancer is very important and deserves more attention and funding. So what are you going to do about it? I think you should spearhead a campaign to bring it to public attention.
13 :
As reported by the US Government and the CDC, the top four deadliest cancers are the following: 1.Lung cancer 2.Colon cancer 3.Breast cancer 4.Prostate cancer And although prostate cancer is more common than breast cancer, 40,000 deaths are attributed to breast cancer, with only 28,000 for prostate cancer.
14 :
It is not just cancer research, because of feminist hate spending for all medical research beneficial to males has been cut. Birth control for males canceled now non existent, stroke cut back in favor of more spending on research that benefits female stroke victims, same for heart disease and other ailments. It is interesting to note that as soon as a feminist was elected to speak of the house she cut back on research spending for men's health while increased the amount spent on women's health. The current society only benefits women.
15 :
honestly, i've seen more awareness increase for prostate cancer. just wait awhile. it's not like its totally ignored.
16 :
Because breast cancer is deadlier. See Professor C's answer.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

If it hurts to urinate, does that mean I have prostate cancer

If it hurts to urinate, does that mean I have prostate cancer?

Men's Health - 8 Answers
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1 :
Not neccesarily, you could have kidney stones, a kidney problem, a uti (urinary tract infection) or even an std
2 :
you could have kidney stones hurts like h---- when you urinate
3 :
no, prostate problems can make it difficult to urinate, like taking a while to get the urine to flow, but it doesn't hurt. More likely you have an infectious process going and need to see a doctor for treatment.
4 :
No. Go to the doctor and ask, but it depends on the location and type of pain... and your age. If you are under 40, slim chance. If you are sexually active could be STD. If you are athletic, could be blood in the bladder or could be a simple infection, prostatitis. ONly an MD can diagnose and treat... so go see one now...
5 :
How old are you? Typically young males do not get prostate cancer, although it is not impossible. When was the last time you got checked for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia? Better yet, what does the pain feel like? Any unusual discharge? What color if so?
6 :
7 :
No but it is wise to see a doctor about it now
8 :
lol...usually hurts to pee after busting a nutt. if you can wait for awhile after you jerked off to pee, it wouldn't hurt as bad.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Does masturbating cause prostate cancer

does masturbating cause prostate cancer?
webmd said masturbating gives you a higher chance of getting prostate cancer
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
nope its a myth
2 :
3 :
No, unless you shove like a freakin' 42' TV up your rectum. That still wouldn't give you prostate cancer, though it kill you. Seriously, masturbation is not fact, it might even be healthy for you. Don't believe in myths like that.
4 :
Yes You get a Higher Chance of getting Prostate Cancer,But Not much.You would have to Masturbate ALOT.
5 :
No way its fun ... just do it..
6 :
Can't see How... Most Guys wouldn't Live to be 30- if it Did !! ;)
7 :
8 :
If it did, every guy in America would have it. Actually, if anything there has been some evidence saying it reduces your chances.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Prostate Cancer/Breast Cancer Link

Prostate Cancer/Breast Cancer Link?
According to a story on Fox News, researchers in Australia have discovered a link between Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer (,2933,356568,00.html). It appears that the same gene is found in both. My question is, if my father died of prostate cancer, does that put me at a greater risk for breast cancer? If so, should I begin having mammograms earlier than age 40?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Having a mother or father that has had any form of cancer puts you at greater risk, not necessarily for breast cancer though. Talk it over with your doctor. My mother had breast cancer and my father had prostrate (both died), but my doctor hasn't pushed the mammogram issue.....yet anyway! (I'm 42)
2 :
I agree with im here, but ask you to realize that the newest "find" is not more than a theory or a supposed "link" at this time. All sorts of things can be "proven" with studies and statistics. It is not uncommon that they are later shown to be incorrect.
3 :
Cancers of the sexual organs occur, most often due to long term sexual deficiencies in life. If the truth be known, everyone has a genetic risk for cancers of the breast and sexual organs. The reason genes mutate, and become cancerous, is due to an evolutionary adaptation that all animals have. In early human evolution, there were many challenges and dangers to the species. We very nearly became extinct on many occasions. In order for the human race to survive, our species had two advantages. One was our intelligence. The other was our ability to reproduce rapidly. When rescources, like food, water, shelter, etc were in short supply, nature gave the most advantage to the most productive of our ancestors. The ones producing the most offspring. Those not producing off spring, helping the species to survive, were possibly consuming scarce rescources that could better go to the one who were engaged in the business of reproduction. Those not engaged in the business of reproduction, (ie. SEX) were Expendable, and nature found many ways to accomplish this among them cancer. Just because you have an identifyable gene that could become cancerous doesn't entirely mean the you will likely get the cancer. There are substances in the sexual essences that prevent the mutation in the majority of cases. You may never have heard of this, and many will undoubtly be skeptical; But in years to come, lifetime sexual activity, will be the "Gold Standard" by which a persons risk for cancers of the sexual organs is judged.
4 :
I have also heard that there is a "link" between prostate cancer and breast cancer. My paternal grandmother died of breast cancer. My father had prostate cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 41 last year. I was tested for the two breast cancer genes and I was negative. I am going back for more genetic counseling so intend on looking more into this "connection".
5 :
i have not heard of prosate and breast cancer being linked before but i have not been up to date on the news, my paternal grandmother had breast cancer and my father had lymphoma cancer i was diagnosed w breast cancer in nov 07 i was tested for the BRCA gene and was positive, my sister was also tested and she is positive she does not have cancer, but she is it risk since she carries the gene. the oncologist that did our testing said that ins covers it and b/c my sister had a relative that has cancer her ins cannot "tag" her w/ having something wrong b/c it is considered discrimination, hope that helps. i hope user "im here" reads this and gets here obgyn to push for a mammogram

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Masturbating give you prostate cancer

masturbating give you prostate cancer?
my bud says if u do it once a month ur ok but evry day is bad, so ill getg prostate cancer than\!?
Men's Health - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is false. Getting yourself off is healthy. It can get rid of stress and helps prostate health. Studies show that getting off 3-4 times a week will improve the health of a prostate not harm it!
2 :
Masturbation does not give you prostate cancer any more than masturbation gives you brain cancer. Your friend is scaring you to his sick amusement
3 :
lol if that was true then alot of guys would be dying.
4 :
I've actually heard that masturbation brings only benefits.
5 :
Sara is absolutely correct. But if your friend was correct then by his reckoning every single man on earth would be falling over dead right about now because we all do it 2 and three times a day, more when you're a teenager. BOTTOM LINE: jerk off all you want just use some decent lube and don't leave a mess.
6 :
If masturbating gives prostate cancer, the more than 90 per cent of men must have prostate cancer! Masturbation is not the cause or the remedy of prostrate cancer!
7 :
sara is right. there is and always will be a debate on this. the most studies say jacking it every day is healthy. the swelling/tenson in prostate goes down after ejacilation.
8 :
thanks, now i'm scared well this haves to be false but i'm still scared
9 :
10 :
There actually was a British study a few years back that concluded that men who were sexually active early in life had a higher incidence of p cancer. And men who increased their activity later in life had lower incidence rates. Later analysis proved the study's data to be incorrectly interpreted. But your buddy doesn't know any of this...he's just acting that way because he doesn't want anyone to know how often he's spanking the monkey.
11 :
There is no evidence of this happening.
12 :
This is just another scare tactic to stop people from masturbating. In my youth, masturbation was fraught with religious shame and guilt. We all risked eternal hell and damnation and did it anyway. We are still here to tell the tale. Now,...more intelligent and forward thinking professionals are admitting that masturbation has many benefits. It helps to promote a healthy reproductive system, it elevates the heart rate for a time, it relieves tension, it helps to REDUCE your chances of getting prostate cancer later in life, and it leaves you with a calm, relaxed feeling when you are done. None of this is bad for you. It seems like you need some basic information about masturbation so you do not need to stumble through your early teenage years listening to urban myths and half truths. No, masturbation will not make you go blind; no, masturbation will not give you hairy palms; no, masturbation is not a one-way ticket to hell, no, masturbation will not spoil your chances of fathering healthy children later in life when you choose to do so, (I have four sons); no, you will not run out of your lifetime supply as your body makes it every day you are alive; you can however, exhaust your daily supply by masturbating several times over the day. A good night's sleep will fix that up. It is normal for a young teenage boy to masturbate several times a day. Your body will tell you when it has had enough, simply by not giving you the urge to do it again until you have rested more. Every man, women, teenage boy and girl masturbate. If they tell you they don't, they are either lying or dying. Masturbations is a personal, private thing, and no one wants to walk in on you. Choose a quiet time and place, relax, and enjoy this natural, healthy, beneficial rite of passage into adulthood. With all the crime and attrocities in the world, the gods have bigger fish to fry than a young man pleasuring himself. Good luck with this. Mithras
13 :
It helps STOP having prostate cancer! Think about, if this was true then every man would be dead from prostate cancer..... Your bud is a dumbass, Sorry.
14 :
Actually jerking off will reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer. (fact)

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

If you sex with someone who has prostate cancer

If you sex with someone who has prostate cancer...?
My new boyfriend is a great guy and a real sweetheart but he has prostate cancer and is dying, so my question is if am i at risk of getting cancer or something if we have sexual relations?
Cancer - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
About as much risk as he does in lower his intelligence in having relations with you.
2 :
I don't think that you can get cancer from someone. It is not contagious.
3 :
no of course not...cancer is not contagious. i do hope that your boyfriend recovers though...good luck!
4 :
If he is dying you can`t have sex. If he is not dying sex is harmless.
5 :
No, but it could be rather painful for him. He should probably check with his doctor before you proceed. I don't normally favor sex outside of marriage, but I think it is sweet of you to consider this step. The risk to you is virtually nonexistent.
6 :
Aren't you blonde? Cancers are not contagious.
7 :
No you can't catch cancer, I'd be more worried about AIDS,herpes and pregnancy if your having unprotected sex
8 :
no you wont get anything ,the prostate is on the outside of the uretra up in the body past the root of the penis.between the root and the bladder.just go into the grays anatomy book and you can check it out for your self.good luck L
9 :
Cancer is not a contagious disease. You do not get it from other people.
10 :
cancers are not transferred by sex... unfortunately, cancer is just something that one person gets, and cannot share with others... good thing, cancer is bad, and you dont want to have it
11 :
12 :
love , cancer is not something that is contagious. it is either passes down through sex linked(either from passed generations in your family or mom and dad) or it can be because of smoking. cancer is not something you catch if you have relations with someone that has it. it is not possible. it's not like std's that people are prone to catch if they come in contact with other people who has it. good luck with your boyfriend i hope you guys spend as many time together as possible and give him all the support he needs. i thought i would lose my bf from cancer but i didn't he is beating it and that is the best new i have ever heard. i wish yours could have done the same. I'm sorry. good luck and god bless you.
13 :
no!!!!! cancer is not contagious

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