Thursday, July 28, 2011

Where can i find out if gulf war has prostate cancer problems

where can i find out if gulf war has prostate cancer problems?
advanced prostate cancer from gulf war 1991
Other - Politics & Government - 2 Answers
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1 :+
You need to find out, I believe you are soldier or you was soldier, go to the Veteran Hospital for check up. Ask the Pentagon, where they used the chemical weapons by the gulf war in 1991. I know there was so many problems with the soldiers and their healths. First they didn't publish all that, and after so many was sick came all in the public. There must be also some maps, where the soldiers and which units was located by the war. I hope I can help you little bit. Good luck.
2 :
A lot of Gulf War vets are having cancer and DNA problems. Check my links:

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

What does it mean if you have prostate cancer

what does it mean if you have prostate cancer?
my father has prostate caner and wont go back to the doctor for any kind of treatment now he has blood in his urine a lot of blood when he go to the bathroom can anybody tell me really what that means or where i can go to read up on it to find out
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
Prostate cancer is very treatable if its caught in the early stages. You should really drag him there if at all possible and get him in to have treatment. My grandpa is 80 years old and was diagnosed with prostate cancer after having blood in his urine, they wanted to do radiation and chemo on him because of the stage I guess. My Grandpa refused and went home to die, as he says. About 6 months later, his ex-wife convinced him to go to the doc and get another opinion and she went with him for support, the other doc said he could just remove the prostate instead so my grandpa wouldn't have to go thru radiation and chemo. He liked that idea a lot better so he had it done, and now hes back to his old crabby self. Its been 5 years by the way, hes fine. It can be very serious when its let go because it will spread thru the body. Its so important to get him in, I hope its not already spread because that makes a cure even harder and eventually impossible. Best wishes.
2 :
Do all you can to get him to continue with treatment. Lots of blood in the urine DOES NOT mean the end. This is one cancer that is regularly cured.
3 :
Tell your dad about my father-in-law. He had prostate cancer too. What they did for him is nothing short of a wonder drug. the Dr put him to sleep like in surgery and injected these radioactive seeds directly into the tumor. I'm telling you, I'm amazed. Within weeks, his tumors was gone. He never felt a thing and he's cancer free. Beg your dad to have this done. His doctor said it only took about 1/2 hr but that's including anesthesia and just getting him ready. He's fine. He lives in Florida. We went there in Nov and you would never know he had cancer. His doctor told him he's fine. Of course he has regular blood work done and it all comes out clean. He's 80 yrs old and let me tell you, it doesn't stop him from having sex with his wife either. 80 and they're both going strong. It is one of the most treatable cancers there is. Have him read this. If I could talk to him as a nurse I would tell him, please have this procedure because you won't regret it. Please tell him to read this. Do you hear me father? Please do this. I lost my dad, I don't want your father to make you go through that when it's not necessary. I'm going to pray he has this done. God bless you
4 :
Many patients with prostate cancer choose no treatment initially and they are just monitored, sometimes for a few years and this is perfectly acceptable. You are not giving enough information to know if this is likely in your father̢۪s case or not. However, having a lot of blood during urination is not a typical symptom of prostate cancer it is more typical of bladder cancer. Any blood in the urine at any age should be investigated. Most bladder cancers are superficial and are usually well managed with very high survival rates. However, if it goes on too long and invades the bladder wall the prognosis is not good. You can read about both cancers at the site below.
5 :
First you need to convince your daddy to visit a doctor, at least to get something to relieve his pain. Perhaps he doesn't have pain for the moment, but as the time goes and his health will worsen, he will have pain, and you must be prepared for everything to relieve him. He has the right to decide for his life, but at least you should get ways to relieve his pain. Perhaps he will need a surgical treatment to relieve the urinary ways. My father has been diagnosed with colon cancer, and it was too late. At least we got him operated, removed the cancer, but he lived only 7 months after the operation (cancer was spread too fast), but at least we did something to relieve his pain (doctor prescribed morphine tablets), so he didn't have much pain. With patience everything will succeed. Try to convince your daddy for any relief treatment like my late daddy. Remember: each of us will live this life, but if we can do something for good deeds, let's be strong enough to make it until the end. Dealing with cancer is something that leaves a bitter and turbulent taste. I hope your daddy will not suffer pain too much like mine and you'll be strong enough to face any problem, no matter how huge it might be.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Masturbation and prostate cancer link

Masturbation and prostate cancer link?
Masturbation and prostate cancer link? hey am 16 have been abstaining from masturbation for a month now. I have read alot about a prostate cancer link to masturbation, that it clears the prostate. well usually i tend to masturbate a lot and then abstain. so will my prostate have an increased chance of the risk of getting cancer?
Biology - 5 Answers
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It's doubtful. Some people will get prostate cancer due to their genetics, no matter how much they masturbate. Others rarely masturbate and they would never get prostate cancer. Don't worry about it, just enjoy yourself.
2 :
better to abstain, as when u grow old u wont enjoy with ur partner... cancer or no cancer risk
3 :
Actually, I think masturbation decreases the risk of prostate cancer, far from augmenting it. The following website is an excellent resource:
4 :
There is no significant relationship between this two.Prostate serves as a "traffic aid" between the urine and semen so that they will not pass at same time. Some rare cases of prostate inflammation may happen when you have extreme and continuous (i mean from time to time) masturbation but it won't alter the genetic make up of its cells.Cancer is highly genetics so don't be afraid to masturbate coz its part of adolescence.
5 :
The "evils" of masturbation is a Judeo- Christian myth. For some reason (or non-reasoning) those religions are very anxious to control everyone's sexual activity so they tell you it will make you sick. Masturbation is the most harmless possible sexual activity. You can't get or transmit sexual diseases, you can't accidently get someone pregnant.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why do I sometimes ejaculate blood? Is that a sign of prostate or testicular cancer?It onlyhappened five tim

Why do I sometimes ejaculate blood? Is that a sign of prostate or testicular cancer?It onlyhappened five tim?
Im 19 and i'm a virgin. I never been in a sexual relation ship so i probably don't have STDs. When it happened i felt pleasure and did not feel that much pain just a little burn. It rarely happens. Most of the time it does not happen.
Men's Health - 4 Answers
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Go to the doctors, something is wrong mate. Probably prostate.
3 :
I have some good news and some really bad news: The good news is that hematospermia (blood in semen) is NOT uncommon. It is USUALLY harmless and painless. If that were the case, then it would mean absolutely nothing (unless you were over 45). The bad news is that you said it does burn a little. This can be indicative of a number of things (or it could be nothing). I'd recommend a prostate exam and to talk to a doctor. You should do it right away.
4 :
I think you should immediately consult a doctor. This is a clear sign of urinary infection. Try to cure it a the earliest time. If you will just let it and don't do anything its possible that you pancreas may get infected.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In treating prostate cancer does lupron cause psa level to decrease

in treating prostate cancer does lupron cause psa level to decrease?

Cancer - 1 Answers
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I had prostate cancer in 2005 and was given lupron to start with. It does not treat or cure your cancer. It only puts the cancer on hold for a while some times up to ten years... It is not a cure.. I do not recall if my psa went down though. I had proton radiation at loma linda university medical center in loma linda california.. Proton radiation has a 90 % cure rate and no side effects.. In my opinion it is the very best treatment for prostate cancer.. If you want to know more about it... there is a website called Proton Bob that tells about prostate cancer and proton radiation.. it is very different from conventional radiation. Also there is a book just recently out that would be helpful id think.. it is called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER and was written by Robert J. Marckini, a prostate cancer survivor.. the book is great it tells all about prostate cancer, then tells about all of the various treatment options as well as the pros and cons of each type treatment and the side effects... The book can be purchased at Barnes and Noble and other book stores or on line at the Proton Bob website.. I know I didnt answer your question, but maybe some of this will be helpful..

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Could this be prostate cancer

could this be prostate cancer?
I'm 19 and for the past year I've been on and off every few days for a few seconds feeling a very sharp crippling pain inside by butthole. I didn't even know it could be prostate cancer until I looked up the symptoms. Could this be prostate cancer?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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No this is not prostate cancer. This sounds like a sharp muscle spasm. Most people get those.
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Too early to say it's cancer, it must accompany a host of symptoms like losing weight etc. before you can make a conclusion. You just have to ask a doctor to really know.
3 :
At your age is is more likely to be a hemoroid. If the pain returns us a preparation h suppository, this is over the counter medicine. Eat more vegtables and fruits, get a lot of exercise. Avoid sitting on cold hard surfaces like pavement or concrete.
4 :
No.. It is not prostate cancer,and it is not present at your age. What actually you are having is prostatitis, probably, which is common at this age group. Also it could be proctitis, anal fissure or an inflammed pile, which gives similar symptoms. Go to your doc and you will be alright.
5 :
Conduct PSA test if you have suspicion. Consult the doctor.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Prostate Cancer question

Prostate Cancer question?
I realize this is women's health but I would like responses from women's whose s/o have had prostate cancer. I have prostate cancer. I am on hormone therapy for six months while I lose enough weight to be able to have prostate surgery. I am wondering after having a vasectomy and then having prostate removed can I still have sex? With all the sources of the semen gone there will be nothing to ejaculate. I still have six months before the surgery and was wondering about this. BTW I am 61 and my wife is 53 and we still make love at least once sometimes twice a week.
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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You have to talk to the oncologist medical doctor
2 :
I stumbled across this question under the keyword "prostate cancer". First of all only about 4% of your semen is affected by a vasectomy. The loss of your prostate will have the greatest affect, but not for the reason you may think. The prostate contributes about 25% to your semen. The real difference is after your prostate is removed, you will ejaculate into your own bladder. Your semen will mix with your urine and then be flushed when you urinate. This is true unless things have changed recently. You will probably feel the same sensation, but nothing will come out. True women claim they can feel you ejaculate. I do not doubt that they think they can. I suspect that they really can not. I am single and over 40. I have been able to fool several partners by faking a climax. If they could actually feel me ejaculate, I would never be able to fool them. Being that you will ejaculate into your own bladder, the chances of an accidental pregnancy are very low. The doctor may feel a vasectomy is not needed. It is only an extra safety precaution.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Prostate cancer screening, Prostate cancer screening

Prostate cancer screening, Prostate cancer screening?
where will I go to get a prostate cancer screening. I live in los Angeles CA thanks!!
Cancer - 4 Answers
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I know a dude. His name is Carl. $20 bucks, behind the Arby's on 42nd street. Don't look at him in the eyes.
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You need to see a urologist. Try Cedars Sinai. Peace.
3 :
Jeff W is a very sick man. Your GP can do a physical exam, uncomfortable, a little embarrassing but effective, he can also arrange a blood test.
4 :
you go to the family doctor and if you are at least 40 i would check now it may save your life. i mean its very important to have yourself checked. sometimes they say at least by 50 but i would do it earlier and espedcially if you have relatives that had this it is important to find it easly and get it treated.

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