Cancer - 1 Answers
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I had prostate cancer in 2005 and was given lupron to start with. It does not treat or cure your cancer. It only puts the cancer on hold for a while some times up to ten years... It is not a cure.. I do not recall if my psa went down though. I had proton radiation at loma linda university medical center in loma linda california.. Proton radiation has a 90 % cure rate and no side effects.. In my opinion it is the very best treatment for prostate cancer.. If you want to know more about it... there is a website called Proton Bob that tells about prostate cancer and proton radiation.. it is very different from conventional radiation. Also there is a book just recently out that would be helpful id think.. it is called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER and was written by Robert J. Marckini, a prostate cancer survivor.. the book is great it tells all about prostate cancer, then tells about all of the various treatment options as well as the pros and cons of each type treatment and the side effects... The book can be purchased at Barnes and Noble and other book stores or on line at the Proton Bob website.. I know I didnt answer your question, but maybe some of this will be helpful..
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