he's not worried about the treatment . but i have seen a friend suffer and die from lung cancer.
Men's Health - 6 Answers
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maybe he's really not showing it to you, as men are the stronger vessel!
2 :
Well, it is sad that he seems unconcerned about it and it is OK if you worry about it. But you worrying is not going to make him concerned, perhaps you should find some literature about it so he can see just how gruesome and painful a death from such a cancer can be, and maybe this will shake him up enough to "get with the program"!
3 :
This is a very serious condition and nearly always results in death within months or a year at best , he may not want you to worry and feels very uncomfortable about talking about it, so my advice is make the best of the very limited time you have him for and don't talk about it unless he wants too, am so sorry,
4 :
Why should you be worried? He's the one with cancer.
5 :
Should you be worried? Yes, Canacer is a very serious and life threatening illness,
6 :
http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Prostate,-What-You-Dont-Know-Could-Kill-You&id=8592 He is holding back his emotions just be there for him... that will help alot..
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