Alternative Medicine - 3 Answers
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Is the patient interested in living or just in making money for some quack? Living: surgery, radiation, possibly chemo, and some antibody therapies exist for prostate cancer. These provide the best chance of cure/remission. Making money for a quack: sure, there are alternatives all over the place. Please be sure your affairs are in order before attempting some of them though.
2 :
What Inverse_Mushroom_Cloud said is good.. Ive seen some people on here promote visualizing the cancer dissapearing as a possible cure, others will try to tell you to use homeopathy, maybe accupuncture.. All those paths will probably lead to death..
3 :
A lot of that answer really depends on how far along the cancer is. I would personally recommend consulting a good natural doctor so they can look at your specific situation. I can recommend several herbs that are good for Prostate health, but if you've already got full-blown cancer, they likely won't give enough nourishment to overcome it. I know there are lifestyle changes and treatments that natural doctors can administer (not the ones that were mentioned [bashed] by the first two answers, as those aren't intended to cure cancer). Make sure you also do your due diligence and do your homework on any method that's recommended, though... when it comes to cancer, there are a LOT of ideas out there and no one answer is better than all the rest. Good luck with everything!
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