Friday, November 28, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Can a woman have prostate cancer

Can a woman have prostate cancer?
i dont know if it sounds stupid but just want to know.
Cancer - 14 Answers
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1 :
That would be difficult since a woman doesn't have a prostate.
2 :
no - women don't have a prostate...
3 :
if your a woman, you dont have a prostate gland see:
4 :
She can if she didn't always used to be a chick. The prostate is a male reproductive organ and women don't have them (biological women, that is). But if she used to be male and has become a woman, then it is possible for her to have prostate cancer.
5 :
A woman does not have a prostate, so no.
6 :
7 :
you should probably take sex ed again I think you might be a little confused on some things....
8 :
no, just men have to worry about that one.
9 :
Women don't have prostates.
10 :
Nope, guys have prostates.
11 :
Absolutely no. Women do not have a prostate gland.
12 :
No, women don't have a prostate, however men can get breast cancer because they do have breast tissue.
13 :
Absolutely not. To have cancer of the prostate you must first have a prostate gland. Only men have this gland. The purpose of the prostate is to produce semenal fluid. That is the fluid that the sperm float in when a man ejaculates.
14 :
A woman does not have a prostate. Only males do. No such thing as a stupid question. If you don't ask then you won't know.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Should Prostate Cancer be treated aggressivley in a 93 year old man

Should Prostate Cancer be treated aggressivley in a 93 year old man?

Men's Health - 11 Answers
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1 :
Man, I don't even want to live to be 93. I'm almost 40 and I'm ready to go at any time.
2 :
Probably not! Sometimes it isn't going to kill you before something else does.
3 :
No. Most aggressive treatments are geared toward saving the 'sex life"...which I assume is not a priority at this point. But treatment should still be considered important as well as compassionate.
4 :
Honestly, and some may think this is cold hearted, but why not let him live out the rest of his life as happy as he can. He has lived life. To put him through aggressive cancer treatment at this age in his life to me would be ridiculous and cruel. He will feel like crap and it takes alot out of a person. In fact I would be surprised if docs were willing to try and aggressively treat at this age in his life. In my opinion it would do more harm than good.
5 :
I should think that would depend on the prognosis. And what kind of condition he's in now. If it were me, I'd say no
6 :
I would think in most cases not. My grandfather was 92 when he was diagnosed and the decision was that it had spread to far to treat. But, each case is different.
7 :
What is his quality of life? If he is still enjoying life, then I would pursue treatment. Aggressive is relative to what you think it is. If he is suffering with multiple medical problems that do affect his life, like dialysis, Alzheimer's, Dementia, paralysis from stroke, etc., then I would consider palliative treatment. Has anyone asked HIM what HE wants to do? Many times people are quick to make decisions for the elderly without including them in the decision.
8 :
Short answer, no. Long answer: At age 93, the following things need to be considered: how aggressive the cancer (stage and grade), is the patient symptomatic (bone pain, lymphedema, excessive weight loss, general fatigue, etc.), and what is the general health of the patient? Usually the treatments are palliative (treating only the pain or symptoms associated with the prostate cancer like bone pain for which he would receive radiation, pain medication, or hormone ablation therapy - like zoladex, lupron, casodex). Really though, he is more likely to succumb to old age or age-related illnesses than to the prostate cancer - dying "with" prostate cancer rather than "from" prostate cancer.
9 :
No, you should be dead.
10 :
It really depends. If the 93 year old man is physically active and mentally sharp, and the cancer is not particularly aggressive, he may want to have the cancer treated. If he has mid or late-stage Alzheimer's or other dementia, or is an invalid -- it probably won't add to his length of life and certainly not to his quality of life.
11 :
I have nothing to add. Barb M said it all and said it pretty well. She was right on with her advise.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Prostate cancer - how is the prostate effected by prostate cancer

Prostate cancer - how is the prostate effected by prostate cancer?
How is the prostate effected by prostate cancer, like what happens to it? Also, could you please tell me what body systems are effected and HOW they are effected by this? can someone please tell me what body systems are effected by prostate cancer? The other answers were great but this is the information I really need-whoever does this will get best answer and how they are effected
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
It gets bigger. It makes it hard for you to pee.If they remove it your sex life is over.
2 :
I have prostate cancer. My brother has prostate cancer. We both under went the exact treatments with drastically different outcomes. The first thing they do is give a shot called Lupron which wipes out the testosterone that prostate cancer feeds on. This is, effectively, temporary sterilization in men and takes away the possibility of sex. We both had radioactive seed implants into the prostate to kill the cancer followed by external beam radiation to ensure all of the cancer is killed. My brother was out playing golf 6 months later, I am in a wheel chair with a host of side effects from the radiation. I have a permanent catheter in my abdomen for urine collection, wear Depends since I am incontinent, have developed deep vein thrombosis with a lung embolism and also have neuropathy in both legs and feet. I had a heck of a weight gain, going from about 230 to over 300 and developed type 1 diabetes. Right now I am glad just to be alive to watch my grand children grow and determined to get better! My brother continues to enjoy his golf and neither of us so far have seen any sign of a return of the cancer. So, I guess you can say that there is no single outcome or set of effects with prostate cancer and the treatment for it. P.S. The cancer I have may have been caused or at least exacerbated by my exposure to Agent Orange (Dioxin) while in Viet Nam. The Agent Orange may explain why my cancer was more severe than my brother's to start with and the seriousness of the side effects I am experiencing after treatment. I have no proof of that, only personal observation of the differences in outcomes between my brother and me as he was never in Viet Nam or exposed to Dioxin.

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

CT scan vs MRI for assessing prostate cancer

CT scan vs MRI for assessing prostate cancer?
For determining whether cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland (immediate area), is a CT-scan sufficient? Does an MRI provide any more resolution?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
CT scans show more hard tissues - MRI shows more soft tissues. But my dad had an ultrasound to look for how far the prostate cancer had spread. They could see the lypmh nodes the best with the ultrasound. Also, CT and MRI scans can not see the things that are less than 1cm. I know this from my own cancer. They didn't do the other two for my dad because it's such a "congested" area - there are a lot of things there to look at, and that area is so small.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What does 0.8 mean for prostate cancer good or bad

what does 0.8 mean for prostate cancer good or bad?
what does 0.8 mean for prostate cancer?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Well, it's on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0. 0.8 is pretty close to 1.0 so I think you might have something to be worried about.
2 :
If you had a blood test done and the results were 0.8 ,there is a ratio on the test results it should show you where that is on your test resut. Ask for a copy from your doctor and see for yourself.
3 :
It means the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) found in the blood of suspected prostate cancer. It ranges from 0.0 to 4.0ng/ml is normal and cancer free, any number above 4.0 is prone to prostate cancer, however over the years PSA screening became a controversy where men of normal PSA level developed prostate cancer. Rectal test and bioppsy are the suggested procedures for early detection specially for men with genetic history of the disease.
4 :
Are you talking about PSA? If so a 0.8 is nothing. After the biopsy you could have 3+5=8 or 5+3=8. These are the numbers to be concerned with. Need to know which number you're talking about to give you a better answer. Your best bet is to ask the Doctor.
5 :
It sounds like you're talking about your PSA level. An increased PSA can indicate that there could be some prostate cancer present. Patients with advanced or metastatic prostate cancer often have PSA levels of 100+. The normal PSA level is 0 but it can rise to up 4 with infection or other minor issues. A PSA of 0.8 is good and would not normally initiate further investigations. If you have prostate cancer already and have had treatment then 0.8 is still nothing to worry about.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

I am 12 years old. The hair on my scrotum is only growing on one side. Do I have Prostate cancer

I am 12 years old. The hair on my scrotum is only growing on one side. Do I have Prostate cancer?
i am just starting puberty and the hair on my "balls" is only growing on one side. I also hae to get up almost every night to urinate, and i sometimes get pelvis pain. do i have prostate cancer?
Cancer - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It sounds like you might have a UTI or something though so see the doc and let him check you out. The hair on one side is normal as you are still going through puberty.
2 :
3 :
have NEVER heard of a 12 yo boy having prostate cancer...relax and let nature continue its journey....
4 :
Cancer is very unlikely - more likely your body is just going through changes for puberty and your hormones have not yet levelled off. If you are very concerned, talk to your dad or a doctor, but I think it is just growing pains and such. Peace!
5 :
6 :
It's doubtful. I wouldn't be concerned about the hair not growing in evenly. 12 is pretty young. If the hair hasn't all grown in by 16+, then maybe worry - that is, if you care how even your scrotum hair is. lol BUT... the pain and frequent urination could be signs of a problem... anything from a bladder infection to who knows what. I'd go see your doctor about that.
7 :
Are you serious or are you trying to be funny? You clearly do not know the symptoms of prostate cancer because you don't have any of them. Do you even know what a prostate is? The earliest case of prostate cancer I can find any documentation about is at age 27 and that's extremely early.
8 :
don't worry about the hair, you are entering puberty it will even out. I don't think you have cancer, but to put your mind at ease, see your doctor about the pain in your pelvis. most of all don't worry too much , can make things seem worse I'm sure you will be okay
9 :
i wouldn't worry....but if you want to talk to your doc
10 :
yes, you do. You will die. Maybe. one day.
11 :
Honey I doubt you have cancer but you need to tell your parents about the problems you are having. Besides the hair growth the other things can be serious like a urinary tract infection, bladder infection, or kidney infection. It is very important that you share this information with your mom or dad and get to a doctor. Any of those infections can cause pain and make you really sick if you don't get checked out. I know you may be embarrassed to tell them but it's not a big deal and they need to know.
12 :
No. During puberty, hair doesn't grow in evenly. Puberty doesn't go by a plan and it doesn't work in any sort of even pattern. Men generally don't have to worry about prostate cancer or get checks until their 40s. The best thing to do would be to ask your doctor but the likelihood is that there is nothing wrong with you.
13 :
Gross! You're too young to be on the internet! Play outside or something. Or get a job. As a hobo. Cause all hobos have prostate cancer.
14 :
When you start crapping in your pants cause you are trying to pee then I would worry about your prostate or in about 35 years. As far as hair on one side of your balls only. That sounds mighty strange. Are you masturbating with only one hand. This could be part of your problem. Most yound men don't know that you have to switch hands once in a while or you are going to end up with all kinds of problems.

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