Monday, January 28, 2013

I had successful radiation for prostate cancer .Now I have rectal bleeding.I have argon gas cauterization done

I had successful radiation for prostate cancer .Now I have rectal bleeding.I have argon gas cauterization done?
Can't I find someone to do LASER ? It has gone on too long. HELP!
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Well Warren, I think that there are a lot of people who could have done it but they were shot by the politically incorrect military who were told by people like you to shoot first and ask questions later. Love and blessings Don
2 :
Prostate gland and rectum lies close together. It is not known whether rectal bleeding is due to spreading of prostate cancer to the rectum. * In some men, prostate cancer is life threatening, while in many others, it can exist for many years without causing health problems. * The choice of treatment for prostate cancer depends on the size, aggressiveness, and extent or spread of the tumor, as well as on the age, general health, and preference of the patient. * The many options for treating prostate cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal treatment, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, combinations of some of these treatments, and watchful waiting. The following organizations are good resources for information on prostate cancer: * American Cancer Society - * American Urological Association Foundation - * National Cancer Institute - * Prostate Cancer Foundation -

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

What are the different tests that can be used to detect prostate cancer

What are the different tests that can be used to detect prostate cancer? ?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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A number of different tests are used to help diagnose prostate cancer:Digital rectal examination - by inserting a gloved finger into the back passage your doctor can actually feel the prostate gland, to find out whether it has any lumps or is larger than it should be. Even if it is enlarged, this does not mean that it is cancerous.PSA blood test - if the level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in your blood is too high, this suggests that there is a prostate cancer, but there are several other conditions which cause an increase in blood PSA levels.Ultrasound - a small probe is inserted into the back passage and used to do an ultrasound scan, showing the exact size of the prostate.However, the definitive test is done by taking a biopsy.  This involves taking a tiny sample of tissue from the prostate. A probe is inserted into the back passage and a small hollow needle jabbed into the prostate itself. Studying the tissue sample taken by the needle can determine whether there is a tumour and how aggressive it is.  If a tumour is found, an x-ray can reveal whether there is any cancer which has spread to the bones near the prostate. Refer
2 :
Consult a doctor.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Prostate cancer ....testicular cancer

prostate cancer ....testicular cancer?
I was in the shower a few weeks ago and just messing around i felt this lump on one of my testicles....idk if its just vains or the tube things or something grandpa and his son (my unlce) have both had prostate its in my gene i think....should i get this checked out?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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your prostate is in your anal region...and your testical's aren't, you're talking -2- different kinds of cancer, and yes I'd get it checked out.
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Hereditary cancer is rare - fewer than 10% of all cancer cases. Even if prostate cancer was hereditary within your family - and prostate cancer is very rarely hereditary - it wouldn't increase your risk of any other type of cancer, including testicular cancer. Prostate cancer is extremely rare in men under 50, and so rare in young men that there are no statistics available for the disease incidence in men under 35. Over 80% of men diagnosed with it are over 65 and half of all cases occur in men over 75. Having an elderly relative diagnosed with prostate cancer doesn't increae your risk. Yes, you should have the lump checked out, as you should all unexplained lumps.
3 :
ok.ban can check for this genetic test the standard hon.Tuy course I let you this website to learn more thoroughly.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My dad is 52 yrs old and he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last thursday

My dad is 52 yrs old and he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last thursday...?
I am looking at his results and it says he has a PSA at 9.7. Also his gleason score is 3+3=6/10. What does that mean? I am very worried about my dad. Any experiences to share?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
My Grandpa was diagnosed with prostate cancer and his PSA was around the same as your Dad's. He opted to do radiation treatments as well as some sort of hormone therapy injections at the same time. He did the treatments for a year and his PSA levels are now negative. Your Dad will need to discuss treatment options depending on if the cancer is still isolated or if it has spread to other parts of his body. They'll do more tests in the days to come. Medicine has advanced really far and there are a lot of things they can do if the cancer was caught early enough. One thing that my Grandpa did was started eating healthy to help his immune system and drink Acai juice on a daily basis, which is extremely high in antioxidants and helps rid the body of free-radicals and other bad things. I highly recommend helped him feel better throughout his times of treatments. I hope that your Dad gets well soon!
2 :
Don't worry. Just pray to god. Prostate cancer can be cured.
3 :
I am 62. Got diagnosed with PC last july. My PSA was 5.8 and my gleason was 3+3. I had radioactive seed implants and I'm glad I did. I'm feeling fine with very limited side effects. My PSA numbers have dropped substantially and all is well.
4 :
3+3 is about as good as it gets with a Gleason score. Most pathologists these days would not consider anything under 6 to even be cancer. And a PSA of 9.7 isn't that terrible either. What you hate to see is Gleason 9 or 10 and PSA over 20. Then you're in deep trouble. If you also know his clinical stage, which would be something like T2b, T2c, etc. then you can use online calculators at Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center and other sites to estimate his chances of a cure with prostatectomy or radiation. For the MSK calculator you will also need to know how many cores from the biopsy were positive for cancer. See "How to Estimate Your Prostate Cancer Cure Odds" at for more on these tools. These days, a lot men get diagnosed with prostate-confined disease, and the cure rate (yes, CURE rate) in such cases is nearly 100%. Getting prostate cancer is fairly common for men. The lifetime chance is about 1 in 6. However, 97% of all men die of something else besides prostate cancer. Even if you get diagnosed with it, your chance of dying from it is only about 1 in 8 overall--and if you catch and treat it early, as is likely to be the case with your dad, it can be just a bump in the road of life. Many, many thousands of men have been diagnosed, cured, and gone on to live their lives in this age of PSA testing. Don't be overly anxious. Your dad is on a path trodden by many, many others before him, who have done just fine. Best wishes.
5 :
In general, this is not as bad as it may look. The PSA level is elevated but not extreme and the Gleason score in in the midrange. The higher the Gleason score, the more nasty the tumor is . A low score indicated a relatively mild cancer; but cancer all the same. You can find out more about the numbers by using the internet rather than having me stumble along with a rambling dissertation. I was diagnosed at age 52 with a PSA of 41 and a Gleason score of 3+4. I had surgery to remove the gland on June 3, 1999. About six to nine months later, my PSA began to climb from undetectable to 0.2 indicating that I still had prostate cancer. Over the next six years, I tried about 40 different nutritional supplements but my PSA kept moving up. Through the Natural Prostate Treatments Yahoo group, I learned about Prostasol, a herbal product, that members were having good experiences with. At that time my PSA had risen to 15 and although no metastatic disease appeared on bone and Prostascint scans, it was obvious that the disease was growing. I decided to try the Prostasol. After about six weeks, I had a routine PSA reading done and my PSA had dropped to 0.3. I thought it was a mistake. Two months later, another reading was taken and my PSA was still 0.3. Two months after that it was 0.1 and that is where it is today. I recently had my 62nd birthday and still have a low PSA. If I stop taking the Prostasol for a few weeks, my PSA will begin to rise indicating that my cancer is still there. This in not a cure but it does seem to arrest the cancer development. There are side effects but they are milder than the prescription drugs and you can take only as mush Prostasol as you need to get PSA to an acceptable range. Prostasol is also known as Quercetin Plus and Prostasolve. Mike S

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Prostate Cancer Helpp

Prostate Cancer Helpp!!!!!!?
My dad found out that he has prostate cancer, He is 52 years old and a diabetic. He has to go for a bone scan to see if he has bone cancer too. He is the kind of person that does not take care of himself, and all he does is eat sweets...What can I do to help him. And what are something that can help him?????
Cancer - 5 Answers
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First, you need to wait to find out everything that is wrong with him. Many times, prostate cancer is very slow growing and may not need any surgery - his doctor needs to make this determination as to what stage this cancer is in. Then, if he ends up with bone cancer also, there will be chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments needed. Your father needs to make an appointment with a diabetic dietitian so he can learn what he should and should not be eating and he should be checking his blood sugar levels daily and writing them down. Elevated blood sugar levels hinder healing from any surgery and increases his risk of infection after surgery so he needs to get started on a better diet immediately. Offer to go with him to the dietitian so that you too know what he should be eating. Remove all the sweets from the house. If your mother lives with you, she should go with him to every appointment now so that she knows what the doctor says and what his instructions are and then she can tell you so that you can help.
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The bone scan is not to see if he also has bone cancer it is to see if his prostate cancer has spread to his bones. What he eats or how much exercise he gets has little to do with this cancer. There isn’t anything you can do to help him with this. After all of the tests are completed his urologist will go over everything with him and your mom/his wife or partner as they are several treatments.
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I am going through the same. His doctor should get him in contact with a dietitian to help with his diet. He will need to start eating more of the dark green vegetables like broccoli but that is up to his dietitian and his doctor to guide him. The bone scan is only to see if the cancer has spread this will help provide him what options he has and should take. The best advise I would have for you to help him is to read and research. Here are a couple books: Prostate and Cancer by Sheldon Marks MD; The Prostate Cancer Treatment Book by Peter D Grimm D.O., John C Blasko M.D., John E sylvester, M.D. The more information he and all around him have the better prepared you will be to select and ask questions. I wish him all the best. Good luck
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t's great to see a group of people that are so passionate and support people with cancer. I just wanted to share my 2 cents about alternative cancer treatment. People don't realize it's importance! My aunt has been thru cancer and she sought after natural cancer remedies. Although they did not play any major role in curing cancer, it helped ALOT with coping with the symptoms and signs caused by cancer and its treatments like fatigue, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, pain, stress, etc... those were all lessened by the alternative treatments. Here's a copy of the book my aunt used Just remember use it as a supplement to your treatments not as a substitute. Be strong and wish you all the health.
5 :
i dont know if you believe in spells,i met a man online and he helped me when i was sick with breast cancer,now i am totally cured.....and he s helped a friend too..if you dont mind you can write me on

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Dad Shrank from 220 Lbs. to 73 Lbs. From Prostate Cancer. But, I Don't Care.

My Dad Shrank from 220 Lbs. to 73 Lbs. From Prostate Cancer. But, I Don't Care.?
I still make sure that my money goes in the jar for breast cancer research. Well, occasionally I might give a tiny bit to support prostate cancer research. I think it's funny that breast cancer research gets almost 10 times as much money as prostate cancer. I trust you stuff the breast cancer jar too. Right? Are you just like me? Oh, of course he died.
Politics - 7 Answers
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You sound like a cold hearted son at best. Pray you never get prostate cancer then you will be wishing more people gave to that. All cancer is bad. You need to grow up and get some help for the hate you still feel for your dead father.
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David As a Woman I do care about the Guys in my life. The Breast cancer groups have 20 years of Organizatrion behind them. Not their fault, just get organized. Women are Like race cars we are always in the Shop and preening daily ( breast are very visible!) Men are Like VW beetles If they start in the morning, no man just drives in for a check up! Lung Cancer kills more Women than Breast cancer. Lung cancer kills more men than Prostate cancer too. I am sorry About your DAD but your anti Female rant is a bit much.
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If you're trying to promote Breast Cancer awareness, that's one thing........ but to act so cold about your father's death (if this little story is even true) is not the way to go about it. If your story is true, maybe this is your way of "dealing" with the pain and loss of your father, which we all experience, no matter what kind of father he was. I do think prostate cancer should get equal billing and support..... men are just as important as women.
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My mother had breast cancer twice, and she is still here 20 years later, so thank god for breast cancer research, your demons with your father and yourself are for you to deal with and need to be left off of YA., I pray for a cure of all cancer.
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I think it is sad. That you gripe on here but, what have YOU done to aid in awareness about prostate cancer? How many fund raisers have you hosted? How many letters and e-mails have you written? How many people have you educated about prostate cancer? Education is the key, not fund raising. If more people were aware, they would donate funds for research. Use you anger and outrage to make a difference, not just to vent on Q&A.
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The Lord knows your pain . Do you know the Lord's pain after seeing you post this ? BTW, I lost my father to similar circumstances , but I didn't take the approach that you're taking . Stop ! Think ! Pray !
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There are several reasons that breast cancer research gets more funding than prostate cancer. It affects both sexes There are more instances of breast cancer than prostate cancer Women in general are to do monthly self checks and mammograms yearly at 35 Where as prostates don't typically get checked until age 38-40, and a LOT of men will refuse the screening due to the way its done. Prostate cancer is still a "newer" form of cancer, so people are less informed There are more private organizations formed by survivors of breast cancer than there are of prostate. Is it fair? NO. But my advice to you is to take your pain and direct it in a more positive area. Start your own campaign, organization, or charity. Help bring more awareness to the public, and help possibly save more lives. It only takes one person to make a difference.

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Is Prostate Cancer deadly

Is Prostate Cancer deadly?!?
I just got the news that my grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer. We think it is stage 1. Is it deadly? Btw, he is 79. I am so distraught, so please just serious answers only.
Cancer - 6 Answers
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All cancers can be deadly, it is a very, very dangerous disease. But the fact that they caught it in stage one is very promising, if he recieves chemotherapy or raditation he still may live - don't assume he will die, but know that it is a very, very challenging battle. Bet of luck for your grandfather :)
2 :
Please please please check out the sites i have here. You could possibly change it by just the phase one diet. 1st site FAQ half way down. please do your research. i have given you a start and be open minded the medical system has us brainwashed. think naturally.
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jzangel is the one who has been brainwashed. If you follow her links and watch the video(s) about cancer being a fungus, you should compare what is being said about cancer anatomy with what is explained at Don´t pressure your grandfather into trying out that sodiumbicaronate nonsense instead of following conventional cancer treatment
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stage 1 is better than any other stage. i believe prostate cancer is curable but your grandfather has to be determined to make it through. chemotherapy will stop the spread of disease and if its a tumor i'm sure it can be surgically removed. remember GOD is the only one who can get your grandpa and family through this!
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Prostate cancer is usually VERY slow-growing, so much so that in older men, doctors often treat the symptoms (to relieve them) and leave the cancer alone....if the cancer were going to take 25 years to kill grandpa, it wouldn't make much sense to put him through a series of unpleasant treatments, would it?
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Prostate cancer is deadly, but not as deadly as new age cancer- an advanced form of cancer that spreads faster than any other kind.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Since masturbation has proven useful in reducing Prostate Cancer why does the Bible prohibit spilling seed

Since masturbation has proven useful in reducing Prostate Cancer why does the Bible prohibit spilling seed?
note: if you follow the so called "Bible" beware, you are putting your life at risk
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
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It's an easy way to control the masses by way of guilt.
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to make men feel guilty. Also when they wrote the Bible, they had no idea what a Prostate was. Now go peel one off for good health.
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The bible says a man lived in the stomach of a big fish for 3 days, that the first man was made from dust and the first woman from his rib, that these people were tempted by a talking snake, that a man built a boat big enough to carry 2 of each of the millions and millions of land animals because the world was flooded, that bats and birds are the same thing, that if on the night of her wedding a woman is shown not to be a virgin she should be stoned to death etc. To be honest its not the most logical book in the world.
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It was written before there was even an awareness of cancer? Just a guess.
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It's not proven.... there's 'some' evidence that it 'may' have an effect.
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The Bible doesn't prohibit spilling seed. It prohibits failing to knock up your heirless brother's widow (traditional marriage). For masturbation, you just have to take a bath, wash any leather clothes you got it on, and wait outside camp until sundown. Exact same procedure if you wet dream. No penalty for women for masturbating, but the penalty for mestruating is at least seven times worse.
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That "quote" is always taken out of context
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most men back then didn't live long enough to get or die of prostate cancer. It was a non issue
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It is an easy way to make people feel guilty, since practically everybody masturbates. It is, however, not practically possible NOT to 'waste seed'. Sperm cells are generated constantly no matter what you do, and they are only viable for three days. After that time, they die... whether they are inside your body or not.
10 :
Because if god gives you cancer he wants you to keep it.

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