Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If Masturbation is a sin, does that mean God wants Men to get Prostate Cancer

If Masturbation is a sin, does that mean God wants Men to get Prostate Cancer?
Its proven that routine masturbation cleans the prostate lowering the chances of getting the cancer. God says its wrong to do right? Then he wants us to get cancer?
Religion & Spirituality - 47 Answers
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1 :
"It's just his will" </fundiemode>
2 :
Either that or kill each other because were all backed up. lol
3 :
God MADE prostate cancer, wasn't that nice of him?
4 :
Na he,s just yankin your chain
5 :
Lmao If masturbation was a sin and if god punished sinners there would me no men left in the world. Sorry
6 :
lol thats an awesome question and i dunno but you know what freaking bust a n*t allday baby WOOOOOO!!!!!
7 :
It's not just masturbation, it's frequent ejaculation in general. The same cancer-reducing benefits can be gained through normal sex too.
8 :
You are insane. Of course he doesn't. Anything to hack at God. You really need help.
9 :
You don't get prostate cancer from not masturbating.
10 :
Couldn't a man have sex with his wife frequently, like the Bible says to, and have the same benefit?
11 :
It's a test of faith. Do you want to please god more than you want to not have your nads rot out?
12 :
Condoms are a sin too. God wants man to die of AIDS
13 :
No. Go back to medical school and prove your statment about cancer, if you can.
14 :
No, & No GOD eather.
15 :
I dont think it is a sin. Where did u get it from???
16 :
do what you want.
17 :
God also made "nocturnal emission". :-)
18 :
what about constant mastubation? god is cancer
19 :
did you hear god say it was wrong? its a very natural thing!
20 :
Masturbation helps prevent prostate cancer? I never knew that! As often as I masturbate I guess I can scratch prostate cancer off of my list of worries for the future!
21 :
You wouldn't need to masturbate if you have a wife to express your love with.
22 :
Masturbation is not a sin.
23 :
God didnt say shit. Its what the stupid organized religion decided because they wanted to take every bit of pleasure away from followers because masturbation is "temptation"
24 :
i dont think its a sin. im a catholic...i dont kno where ya'll get that idea.
25 :
Anything done out of lust is a sin... but God is ready and willing to forgive us if we turn from our sinful desires. Show me a scientific paper that confirms "If men do not masturbate, they will get prostate cancer" and I will answer the second part of your question.
26 :
It would make sense if he really just wants you to be fruitful and multiply. You aren't making any kids masturbating so you wouldn't be much good to him.
27 :
NO. It is only sin when abused or done for recreation.
28 :
I must then have one of the cleanest Prostates ever! YAY ME! Who says sin doesn't pay off?
29 :
No God doesn't want you to get cancer. He wants you to get married and have sex with your wife. If you have urges then do it and ask for forgiveness.
30 :
Of course he doesn't!
31 :
nowhere in the ten commandments does it say Thou Shalt Not Masturbate.
32 :
When and where did God say it was wrong?
33 :
Does this mean that Internet porn has reduced the occurrance of prostate cancer?
34 :
THIS is your reason to do this? Best you can do?
35 :
Cool, I'm never getting prostate cancer then!
36 :
Awesome question basement cat. And if abortion is against God, shouldn't that mean that all women who have miscarriages go to Hell? Same thing with the 50 percent of pregnancies that end in an uncontrollable abortion.
37 :
where does it say that masturbation is a sin? it doesn't. it says how to clean yourself after such an emission, but it says the same for a menstrual period, which cannot possibly be a sin as it cannot be helped. also, my mother is studying through a Christian college, and she learned that in the old testament people believed that the entire baby was in sperm, not just half, so this lie that it is a sin probably stemmed from the idea that you were spreading tiny babies on the ground to die. if you didn't masturbate, your body would expel the fluids against your will anyway, so go ahead and jerk it! if i'm wrong, and it is a sin, God will forgive you anyway. we are all sinners, and we can't stop sinning. that's why Jesus died. so that our sins don't matter in God's eyes; Jesus paid off our debts for us.
38 :
This is a common misconception. The "sin of Onan" was not masturbation or "spilling his seed on the ground" per se. It was that he refused to obey the cultural convention of making his dead brother's wife pregnant. It is a little lengthy to explain, but take it as read that in Biblical times, if your brother died, you (as a man) were responsible for his wife and any children he had. This included an obligation to father children on what was now, effectively, your wife. Onan did not wish to do this and "pulled out", thus "spilling his seed...". From a theological standpoint, Onan's sin was not the "spilling" but self love and a lack of obedience to cultural norms of the time.
39 :
40 :
Where does God say it's a sin??? God gave us the ability to masturbate as a method of satisfying a desire that comes naturally. Just think how teen pregnancies would be through the roof if we couldn't masturbate; not to mention the non-consensual sex incidents.
41 :
God didn't make cancer, when adam and eve sinned all earth became full of evil thus causing the evil thing called cancer.
42 :
good point... i personally dont consider it a sin unless your very excessive and addicted.... but men kinda are physiologically predisposed to hafta if they dont believe in premarital sex right? otherwise.... thats alot of wet dreams... i ithink porno however..... objectifies women... wait a tic why is it legal to do porn but not be a prostitute... its both sex 4 money... so if you record a video of yourself and a hooker and post it on the internet... is it legal then? or if you forget to turn on the camera when makin a porno.. is it illegal?,,,,,, lol some deep thoughts right there lol
43 :
If you beleive in the Scriptural god who gives his enemies Hemmoroids, you have to answer YES! LOL
44 :
I don't have my notes HANDY but a person in the bible was killed for wasting his seed, though not a matter by this fellows own hand but, it does help show why God put marriage so important. The customs of old though, shepherds, who watched over sheep, were considered unclean. I shouldn't have to explain that much more if you have a imagination. Till they went through the purification process, but when they went back out they were unclean, again.
45 :
It's not a sin. It's totally natural. Don't stress so much. Just be a good person, that's all you need to do. My friend got all caught up in a Christian cult and didn't touch his member for over 2 years. He had so many problems from it. The worst, and I tell you this to help prove the point, they had to put electrodes inside his bum to shock parts from the inside to help him. You don't want to be in that situation. I'm a Christian. But I'm so sick of Christians telling other Christians to abstain from some of the best stuff life has to offer. The spend all their life fighting natural urges. Life is a gift from god to be used, not looked at. How would you feel if you gave someone an awesome gift and they never used it? That's a slap to the face. I have a friend who is 27. She has never had a boyfriend because the church has told her sex and boys are wrong. So now she's 27, never had a boyfriend, and has no idea what it takes to have a good relationship. She can barely deal with friends because she's never been in a relationship and therefore doesn't understand compromise or how to express her feelings. It has greatly retarded her social and love life. Besides, all that particular stuff in the bible was written by men hundreds of years after Christ died. It was used in the Dark Ages as a means to solidify the ravaged parts of Europe after the fall of the western Roman empire and the slew of plague that followed. It's not god's word, it a man's.
46 :
I'm religious but I don't believe it's a sin. The bible says not to eat pork. Bacon is great, so are ribs. Pork loin is completely healthy. Back when the bible was written, before refridgeration, pork would spoil so quickly that if people ate it, they would become very sick. I think that the bible was trying to prevent people from becoming sick so it warned the people not to eat it. I don't know why masturbation would be a sin... but in my opinion, telling an older child/teen that these natural feelings they have are sins, does more harm than good and causes problems later in life in relationships. Times change and certain parts of the bible can grow with the times too.
47 :
The Devil does this so that it will be harder to remain faith full to god . But thats why he made us eject during the night so when we wake up were hard.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

DOCTORS HELP! prostate cancer? how many times to m***bate to avoid it

DOCTORS HELP! prostate cancer? how many times to m***bate to avoid it?
i was wondering how many times should masturbate so that we won't get prostate cancer? is there a scientific answer to this?
Men's Health - 6 Answers
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1 :
I think the Austrailian study said several time a week, so may be at least once a day. sounds good to me
2 :
I'm not a doctor, but I am aware of a study from Australia by a team of doctors led by Dr. Graham Giles. They found that males who masturbated most often in their teens and 20s had the least incidence of prostate cancer later. They learned this by questioning a group of men with prostate cancer about how often they had masturbated and engaged in other forms of sex at various times in their lives, and comparing this with an age-matched group of men who don't have prostate cancer. Dr. Giles recommends that younger males masturbate at least six times a week.
3 :
I read somewhere that most doctors recomomend doing it at least six times a week to prevent prostate cancer.
4 :
There is no proven relationship between masturbation/sexual intercourse and prostate cancer.
5 :
Once per day seems to be the recommendation.
6 :
Not much research that can prove relation between doing it and prostate cancer. But it is always recommended everywhere not to overdone one ;) Also australian research concluded that the more men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer. If you want to learn more about prostate cancer you can also check this site http://aprostatecancer.com/

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Radiation for Prostate Cancer

Radiation for Prostate Cancer
My dad will be undergoing radiation for prostate cancer in 2 weeks. What can be expected? Will he be ok to drive home, or should someone take him? (I want to take him, he's insisting he can drive.) What are other symptoms to expect from radiation?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
People usually have 4-8 hours following radiation treatment before they begin to feel the side effects. So, he should be able to drive himself if it is a relatively short drive, and it he goes straight home. The side effects are primarily loss of appetite, nausea, extreme fatigue, and sometimes pain/burning in the area that was irradiated.
2 :
In alot of places they now implant radioactive pieces directly into the prostate gland. He should not drive home. Other symptoms can be fatigue, skin rashes. I wish your Dad well.
3 :
I assume that the radiation treatment will be either IMRT (intensity modulated RT) or IGRT (image guided RT). Dad won't feel anything at all during the few minutes it takes to perform each treatment. After the session, he should be able to drive (assuming that he's not otherwise disabled). Men who are employed usually continue during the course of treatment. Here is a link to a very thorough article on the subject, from the encyclopedic website of the Prostate Cancer Research Institute: http://www.prostate-cancer.org/education/localdis/Chaiken_IMRT.html or http://tinyurl.com/2a63lw So far as side effects (SEs) are concerned, no one can be sure which or to what degree Dad will experience them -- or not. The above article includes information on SEs and their frequency in large study cohorts. One thing Dad will learn is that there is little certainty in this business. Good luck.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

How long does it take to recover from prostate cancer hormone treatment

how long does it take to recover from prostate cancer hormone treatment?

Men's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
My husband had seeds implanted and radiation 2 years ago. The first 2 month were kind of hard as he had burning with his bowl movement . It will depends on which treatment you use and there are several . He is back to his old self now and just has yearly check ups. Good luck.
2 :
go here http://www.hisandherhealth.com/articles/Treatment_of_Prostate_Cancer_with_Hormone_Therapy.shtml

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is there an increase in prostate cancer and men using erectile dysfunction medications (50-60 years old)

Is there an increase in prostate cancer and men using erectile dysfunction medications (50-60 years old) ?
I met a spouse while at the doctor's with my husband. Both men had started using ED meds 5 years ago. I remember how many of female friends developed breast cancer when Dr. jumped on the HRT meds. Have there been any long-term studies of the use of ED meds?
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
NO....there is no increase in the occurence of prostate cancer over the normal increase seen with aging.
2 :
No. Sex at least 4 times a week prevents the Cancer.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How does obesity cause prostate cancer

How does obesity cause prostate cancer.?
so, i heard obesity could cause prostate cancer. but how so? please help me. thank you. =)
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Obesity can be an increased risk factor in a whole range of cancers. It is thought this is due to toxins building up in the fat cells.
2 :
Obesity and overweight are not recognised risk factors for prostate cancer. The greatest risk factor for prostate cancer is getting older - it's extremely rare in men under 50; over 80% of men diagnosed with it are over 65 and half of all cases occur in men over 75, and so rare in young men that there are no statistics available for the disease incidence in men under 35.
3 :
Yes that is correct. Obesity is a major risk factor for prostate cancer. This is because prostate cancer is caused partly by high levels of hormones like testosterone, leptin and insulin. Among obese people, it is found that they have unusually high concentration of leptin and insulin in their bodies. Obesity is also a major risk factor for breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, esophageal and kidney cancers. For more information, please check out http://www.your-cancer-prevention-guide.com/cancer-and-obesity.html
4 :
The mechanisms responsible for this difference in mortality are still poorly understood. According to doctors, obesity can be characterized as a massive inflammatory condition favoring the "outbreak" of disease. On the other hand, it also increases blood levels of steroid hormones and growth factors that may accelerate tumor growth.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Women, how do you feel about men who suffer or died from prostate cancer

Women, how do you feel about men who suffer or died from prostate cancer?
Men, how do you feel about women who suffer or died from gynecological cancers (breast, ovary cancer, etc...)? I'm not posting this in the "Health" section, because I know that medical staff or people into medicine see it the same way as any other diseases. How about you? Oh, and be sincere. Don't limit yourself to pay lip service about this. Furthermore, we all know that because of social prejudices, some diseases are more a motive of shame than others. It's sad, but it's true.
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
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1 :
it must be embarrassing to them but it's totally not their fault so i don't make a big thing of it, that would be too shallow.
2 :
I feel sympathy for the individual and their families. Beyond making yourself aware of family medical history, monthly self-exams and routine physicals, there is nothing really these people can do to prevent these specific diseases. What exactly are you getting at?
3 :
What? How could there be shame to having any form of cancer? I don't understand exactly what you're asking here.
4 :
I feel the same way toward them as I would with anyone suffering from any form of cancer. If you feel that having prostate cancer is 'shameful' then its time for you grow up.
5 :
My father in law had prostate cancer and this makes me worry about my husband developing it. I read about ways to prevent this disease.Low carb is one way to prevent this. Oh and sex is a good preventative, so I make sure that I sex him a lot. I also encourage him to eat a low carb diet. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/04/07/MNGS161ML91.DTL http://story.israelherald.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/a1e025da3c02ca7c/id/299770/cs/1/
6 :
Men and women face cancer together. See what happened to Roberto when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How will i know i have prostate cancer

how will i know i have prostate cancer?
how will you get prostate cancer?
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
i dont know maybe psyical contact... im srry i really dont know if ur wondering if u have it go see a doctor urgently hope this helps ;)
2 :
Contact your doctor. If you go to the bathroom more often is usual what cases people to go to the doctor... the prosate presses against bladder causing fequent bathroom trips... there are other reasons but if your scared this might be an ok indicator
3 :
You feel pain and some mass below your testicles. You should pee like women. It is good for prostate.
4 :
You can only know if you go to the doctor and get a urine test and a bone scan. The urine test will determine if it's cancer. The bone scan will show whether it's spread or not if it is cancer. Treatment is usually one of three things. ~Chemo ~Radiation seeds ~Removal of prostate or just the cancerous part
5 :
Go to your doctor for psa blood test and digital exam.Don't be embarrassed.I went for a physical had a high psa number then had a biopsy the results were a very aggressive form of cancer but they caught it early and with treatment it's now four years later and i am cancer free

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