Sunday, September 28, 2008

My dad has agressive cancer or aggressive prostate cancer with a gleason of 7

My dad has agressive cancer or aggressive prostate cancer with a gleason of 7 ?
What is tha ratio or any giving detail help like odds of him passing it the odds of him living are the good for that is the surgery most likely passable like is advanced enough where its a common procedure. im scared. i just need help
Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
My husband had prostate cancer. The surgery is a serious one. he got through the surgery and survived five years when he was diagnosed with another cancer, this time it was his esophagus That one led to several surgeries which uncovered more cancers and after a year of chemo and all the treatments available to him at the time he passed away. That was back in 99 and they've learned a lot since then. It will be trying any path either way you go. I wish you and your dad luck and a healthy outcome. Read and learn everything you can about his treatments and be proactive in his care. Don't be shy, ask questions and if you aren't happy with any part of it tell the doctor.
2 :
I have Prostate Cancer that was diagnosed in August 2004. I had a gleason of 9 and a PSA of 333. You didn't mention the PSA number nor if there are mets or tumors out side the prostate. If the cancer is just in the Prostate there are a number of options available. Radiation seeds that will destroy the cancerous cells or even the removal of the Prostate itself. This can be a scary time for you and your family. Keep the lines of communication open between you and also keep them open with the Doctors. Ask them your questions and pin them down for answers. There are medications out there that will reduce the PSA numbers and assist in fighting this disease. I wish you well and feel free to keep in touch.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is a PSA blood test for prostate cancer a normal/usual part of an annual physical

Is a PSA blood test for prostate cancer a normal/usual part of an annual physical?

Cancer - 4 Answers
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It usually is for a man over 50.
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If you're an adult male in your 40's plus, it should be.
3 :
It should be, but do not take chances. Ask that the PSA blood test be a part of your annual physical. I survived Prostate cancer surgery. Cancer free for five years. My last PSA was 0,002. This is a slow growing cancer. Catch it at it's earliest stage. I did not, but as I said I am OK.
4 :
Depending on your family history, yes! Do you have a lot of men in your family, at your age, who have had prostate cancer? If so, your doctor may want to have you tested earlier than typical. Otherwise, I think its normal to test patients at age 50.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I have a spinal tumor which apparently metastasized from prostate cancer. Is this a death sentence

I have a spinal tumor which apparently metastasized from prostate cancer. Is this a death sentence?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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Sorry to hear that! If a tumor is metastasized, is most often at a later stage. This means it is not good. BUT every person is different. There is no way I could tell you you have a shorter life because of it.
2 :
not trying to be a jerk, I promise, but the question is really will you die of this or something else. Prostate cancer can, in some cases, be relatively indolent, and there are treatments for this that may allow you to live the rest of your expected life and not actually die from the metastatic cancer. But getting a complete "cure" ie that there is no cancer in your body at all is unfortunately, rather unlikely once it has spread to bone. You treating physician should have this discusiion with you, and you should ask all of the questions you can think of until you understand your disease and its implications. I wish you the best of luck, and Gods peace.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

If the NFL supports Breast Cancer Awareness, should they also support Prostate Cancer Awareness

If the NFL supports Breast Cancer Awareness, should they also support Prostate Cancer Awareness?
Teams are wearing pink uniforms to support breast cancer awareness, now should everybody stop shaving for Movember? Players like Randy Moss and Brett Favre are already there.
Football (American) - 8 Answers
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That would just be a pain in the .......well, you know!
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Absolutely! Cancer is Cancer
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Yes they should!! What color should they wear for that?
4 :
i brought up the same issue w/ a bunch of guys at work. it's just one of those dichotomies of our society. besides, which body part would YOU rather have emphasized (even if you are a woman)? breasts or buttholes? besides, just because prostate cancer isn't emphasized as much, doesn't mean that it's awareness is not supported financially or other means. you just may not see it. don't believe everything the media does or does not tell you.
5 :
I think that you are just making a little joke with this question. But, you are right in that they should give equal time. More NFL players are going to get Prostate Cancer than Breast Cancer. There is an imbalance in funding and support for research. As many or more people get Prostate Cancer (more so far in 2010) as get Breast Cancer. Nearly as many die from Prostate Cancer. But, Breast Cancer funding is about twice what Prostate Cancer funding is.
6 :
That would be fun. Little pink a-hole emblems on all the uniforms
7 :
Yeah I have always found it strange how much press breast cancer gets, as compred to other forms of cancer. Men are 2 times more likely to die of cancer then woman.
8 :

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Monday, September 8, 2008

what can be causing severe edema around eyes after prostate cancer treatment - radiation/hormones/flomax

what can be causing severe edema around eyes after prostate cancer treatment - radiation/hormones/flomax?
Where can I find this information?
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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I'd suggest one or two things: One: I'd suggest you gather your medicine and look via the internet at possible drug interactions. Talking to your Doctor will work as well. Some medicine's will interact when combined with something else. Are you currently taking an Narcotics? IE: Prescription pain relievers.... If yes, this could cause swelling near your eyes. Could mean one or two things again. Meaning, you are either allergic to one or two medicines, or all Narcotics, (which you would have probably have known by now) and or an issue with the Opiod receptors in your brain. No common known problem that is life urging. If such problems progress, seek medical attention.
2 :
See the effects the hormones have on your thyroid hormone levels. Edema around the eyes is common in hypothyroidism.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Someone close to me has prostate cancer, they are in real pain...

Someone close to me has prostate cancer, they are in real pain...?
They can feel pain in there lower back and it is really uncomfortable for them, they have to wait for the operation to see how far it has spread, Has anyone else had prostate cancer? Did you experience pain in your back? Were you really uncomfortable? What happened? jill, usa
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
My Father had prostate cancer a couple years ago. Back pain is a symptom. The good news is that 99 percent of people who get proper treatment survive for AT LEAST 5 years, I just want to stress the fact most live much longer, but the 99 percent is based on 5 years. If it spreads to other parts of the body your success rate lowers pretty drastically to around 39 percent live 5 years or longer. The radiation along with the awkward positions they put you in while seeding can stir up your organs so they are out of place, but they will eventually realign. My Dad wasn't in any pain until after the radiation, he was sore but nothing that made his daily functions change. The good news is that you are addressing the issue before it gets worse, which is a key component to surviving any cancer.
2 :
Prostate cancer often will spread to bone. If they have not done a bone scan yet I would insist on it. Also I would have him or his family demand pain control (such as a fentanyl patch with something as needed for breakthrough pain).
3 :
I guess they have to stage the cancer and see how far it has spread. Prostate cancer is very curable however. Of course if it has spread (metastasized) it will be more serious and require either chemo or radiation or both, maybe even surgery, to beat back. Not impossible however. So good luck. I think if it has spread it's not unlikely they experience pain in the back. Women who get ovarian cancer often get no symptoms until it's spread and back pain etc. can be symptoms of that too but back pain is a common ailment too which is why sometimes people dismiss it altogether. But if you have no reason for it, you should get checked out to rule out other illnesses.
4 :
Prostate cancer is one of the cancers identified by the federal government to respond to marijuana. Ease the pain and fight the disease at the same time. Strong brownies eaten four times per day should produce great benefit.
5 :
its not comfortable at all, my relatives had had cancer b4, they went thru a bad time and harmful pain.
6 :
Real men ignore the pain and don't waste time with going to doctors.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

When was prostate cancer discovered? and who discovered it

when was prostate cancer discovered? and who discovered it?
Hey guys i have an 8 page research paper to write, and its about prostate cancer. I pretty much have everything down. But i cant find out when and who actually discovered it. Can any one tell me? please help the paper is due this Wednesday!!!
Cancer - 2 Answers
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as a backup plan downplay that. it has been around for so long, even the native americans know about it and ate saw palmetto for it, teaching europeans to eat it for this problem. first "described" in sceientific literature here; "^Adams, J. The case of scirrhous of the prostate gland with corresponding affliction of the lymphatic glands in the lumbar region and in the pelvis. Lancet 1, 393 (1853)."
2 :
Prostate Cancer Treatments For Early And Advanced Prostate Cancer    There is a wide range of prostate cancer treatments available today for both early and late stage prostate cancer and this article outlines the choices open to patients. There is a wide range of prostate cancer treatments available today and the treatment that your doctor recommends will depend to a very large extent upon the progression of the disease. Thereafter it is a matter of discussing each treatment option with your doctor and of considering the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as of course looking carefully at the risks which all prostate cancer treatments carry. Prostrate cancer treatments fall into two broad categories - those that are recommended for early (Stage I and Stage II) cancer which is confined to the prostate gland and those used to treat advanced (Stage III and Stage IV) cancer which has spread to other areas of the body. Early stage cancer treatments are designed to remove the prostate or to destroy it and thus to stop the cancer cells before they have a chance to spread to other areas of the body. The surgical removal of the prostate gland (prostatectomy) will normally be carried out as either traditional open surgery or using a less invasive laparoscopic approach. One recent development is the introduction of robotic surgery (using the da Vinci system) which has the advantage of preserving nerves, muscles and other structures in the area of the prostate. Robotic surgery is extremely effective but should be carried out by a highly skilled surgeon in a centre with considerable experience in using this technique. Radiation therapy may also be used to kill the cancer cells within the prostate gland. A variety of different radiation therapy techniques may be used and treatment will normally be carried out over a period of several weeks. A relatively new technique, which is still being evaluated, is known as cryosurgery. During cryosurgery, which is carried out under anesthesia, cooling probes are guided into the prostate using ultrasound and the cancer cells are killed by freezing them. The final form of treatment used for early stage cancer is high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). This procedure is again carried out under anesthesia (or using a local spinal anesthetic) and a probe is placed into the prostate gland through the rectum. A beam of high intensity focused ultrasound is them used to raise the temperature in the area of focus and thus to kill the cancer cells. For late stage prostate cancer hormone therapy is used and this is designed not to attack the cancer itself but to target the male hormones (in particular testosterone) which the cancer cells need to grow. Late stage treatments will include orchiectomy (the removal of the testicles), which is designed to remove the source of the body's main production of testosterone, or a variety of hormone treatments aimed at either reducing the level of testosterone and other male hormones in the body or of blocking their action. In cases where hormone therapy proves ineffective, systematic radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be recommended. Whatever the stage of your cancer it is important to consider all of the options carefully and weigh the advantages, disadvantages and risks of each carefully before choosing the treatment that is best for you. For more information on prostate cancer treatments please visit today. Other Blog Comments Prostate Cancer Treatment and its Effects on Sexual Performance Prostate cancer drug gives new hope « eFitnessNow A new vaccine produced by Dendreon Corp. of Seattle seems to improve survival rates in men with othe...   Read more... Prostate Cancer Vaccine Meets Goal Provenge, an experimental treatment vaccine for advanced prostate cancer, met researchers'...   Read more... Company Body Slams Prostate Cancer - Stock Goes Through the Roof ... Imagine the huge smiles on the faces of executives and scientists at Dendreon Corp as their stock so...   Read more... Dendreon PROSTATE CANCER VACCINE Improves Survival

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