Thursday, October 28, 2010

No masturbation leads to prostate cancer

no masturbation leads to prostate cancer?
Have we actually proven that if males do not masturbate it will increase our chance of getting cancer? or have we proven that prostate cancer is reduced if we do masturbate?
Cancer - 10 Answers
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1 :
you make me laugh
2 :
I think that theory was created by a man. You guys look for any excuse to masturbate.
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4 :
No but eating tomatos will help prevent prostate cancer
5 :
it is good for prostate cancer (lol)
6 :
Doesnt having a tug make u horny guys who cant get laid go blind? Or is that a rumour????
7 :
You don't need an excuse, just do it, you'll feel a lot better...
8 :
Masturbation is a perfectly natural thing. It does not cause cancer!
9 :
Yes the studies have been done, and there is a decreased risk of prostate cancer in men who have regular ejaculations. So maintain the equipment, and enjoy sexual health.
10 :
I tend to agree with Mark the Nurse. I remembering reading a study that found decreased prostate cancer risks in association with more frequent ejaculations. However, I just did a quick search on Pubmed/Medline and could not find that study. I did find a study by researchers with the National Cancer Institute and published in the April 7, 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Here is what they concluded from the data they reviewed: "Our results suggest that ejaculation frequency is not related to increased risk of prostate cancer." Hope this was helpful. Best wishes.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can anyone explain the significance of the PSA test in someone who had his prostate removed because of cancer

Can anyone explain the significance of the PSA test in someone who had his prostate removed because of cancer?
He had cancer of the prostate that had metast. into part of the rectum and underwent surgery in December, they removed "all of it" (the prostate and part of rectum) and gave him a colostomy and now are talking about some sort of hormone therapy because his PSA is still high. If he has no Prostate what is the significance of the PSA test???
Cancer - 5 Answers
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1 :
the PSA test will tell the dr, a number, the higher the no. the worse it is. what kind of hormone treatment? my husband had that also, it was Lupron shots. he had prostrate cancer, unfortunitly his was spred all over his bones. he made it 22 mo. but your friend sounds like he will be ok, get the shots they do help. good luck.
2 :
This web site might help along with the information the PSA test helps monitor the prostate-specific antigen in your blood until the levels reach normal it should be checked. Good luck
3 :
That is so sad. I'm sorry for your trouble. I cannot answer the question. But please research alternatives. Here are a few links:
4 :
The PSA is the reading of the fluids in the prostate. If there is a PSA and the prostate has been removed, there is cancer somewhere in the body
5 :
My father also underwent hormone therapy due to his advanced prostate cancer. He was also given the Lupron Depot and Casodex. He survived 7 years on this therapy and his PSA went from 250 to less than one. Sadly, he lost his battle to cancer on Jan. 4th.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is milk a major cause of prostate cancer

Is milk a major cause of prostate cancer?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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I never heard milk causing prostate cancer. Why would you think that? Don't worry, go ahead and drink milk. It can't harm you in that way. Unless of course, "new studies" have come out stating that .
2 :
If that was the case, every growing boy would end up with prostate cancer. It's mainly a cancer of older men.
3 :
No it isn't. A diet HIGH in dairy products is thought to be a possible risk factor for prostate cancer. Note the words 'high', 'thought' and 'possible'. And a risk factor is not a cause. Insurance companies regard 'being male' as a risk factor for having a car crash, but being male doesn't cause car crashes. The greatest risk factor for prostate cancer is getting older. It's extremely rare in men under 50; over 80% of men diagnosed with it are over 65 and half of all cases occur in men over 75. It's so rare in young men that there are no statistics available for the disease incidence in men under 35.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Will drinking pomgranate juice while receiving radiation treatment for prostate cancer diminish treatment

 Will drinking pomgranate juice while receiving radiation treatment for prostate cancer diminish treatment?
I saw studies that pomgranate juice had helped men after receiving radiation treatment & now they're recruiting for double blind clinical study. ? is that since it fights free radicals, will it interfere with radiation treatment. Friend has 9 more scheduled radiations and has already undergone 30+
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
If you take pomegranates and make the juice, it may help a little, but the real help are several things. I cannot legally tell a person not to get chemotherapy, but I can tell you that if I had that diagnosis, I would not get that garbage. Treating the symptoms without getting rid of the "root cause" is just NOT good science in my opinion. If your friend continues to choose that route, the best thing to combat radiation is GREEN TEA. You can get an extract of green tea that is very powerful and each tsp. is equivalent to 20 cups of green tea, but without the caffeine and fluoride. Typical green tea is loaded with fluoride and that depletes the body of iodine. I have two basic suggestions for your friend that may help him. The first, is to look at his front teeth, in particular 2 upper and 2 lower. If any of those have infection, trauma, etc. that has a huge potential for being the root cause of the prostate issue. He will need to see a REAL dentist, not the guy down the street that is using the typical "standard of care" dentistry and still believes amalgam fillings are safe. As an aside just for your own enjoyment and education on this issue, watch this video: The next thing I would do is get the book called, "Cancer can be cured" by Father Romano Zago. Once you have read that book and you want to follow it, I know a company that is producing the product and people are actually being helped, unlike the radiation and chemo that allows the root of the problem to continue and the body to deteriorate while they try to treat the cancer itself. EDIT: Wow, the "don't eat or drink antioxidants" post is quite alarming and completely against any advice given by real experts. Doctors have no clue what they are talking about in regard to nutrition and just ask yourself, what gets rid of free radicals in the body? Antioxidants. To limit your intake of that is to allow free reign of free radicals and to limit your intake of antioxidants not only promotes disease, but but shortens your life! The other post referring to Green Tea inhibiting the effect of chemotherapy is correct. Green Tea protects the body against radiation and toxins. A now released study of the Japanese people that went through the radiation from the bomb in WWII showed that the people that drank over 20 cups of green tea per day did not have the radiation poisoning that people who did not drink the tea. In 1972, according to the American Cancer Societies own figures, 33% of cancers had a five year survival rate. We should also point out that at that same time 33% of cancers went away on their own. Today, according to the ACS, the five year survival rate for cancer has risen to 40%. However, what they do not tell you is that 1.The statistics are invalid because they combine data of both local and metastasized cancers; and that the comparisons are not randomized [Ulrich Abel, Advanced Epithelial Cancer", 1990 (no longer in print) ] 2.Cancers not factored into the original statistics are now factored in, such as skin cancers, many of which are not fatal and that the statistics are purposely inflated by including people with benign cancers. 3.Technology has helped us to find cancers earlier, thus the survival time from diagnosis to eventual death has lengthened. 4.They are now including in their stats non deadly skin cancers. We pride ourselves in America for being technologically advanced and that our technology is rooted in a foundation of good science. Wrong. When it comes to medicine, little at all is based upon science. Again we shall point to the Office of Technological Assessment’s paper: Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Technologies in which we are told that fewer than 20% of all medical procedures have been tested, and that of those tested, half were tested badly. Medicine in America is not about healing. When you are diagnosed with cancer, you are suddenly worth $300,000.00 to the cancer industry. Most telling, according to Ralph Moss in his book Questioning Chemotherapy, is that in a good number of surveys, chemotherapists have responded that they would neither recommend chemotherapy for their families nor would they use it themselves. Dr Dan Harper, reported about an unpublished cohort study in which it was revealed that only 9% of oncologists took chemotherapy for their cancers. Irwin Bross, a biostatistician for the National Cancer Institute, discovered that many cancers that are benign (though thought to be malignant) and will not metastasize until they are hit with chemotherapy. In other words, he's found that many people who've been diagnosed with metastatic cancer did not have metastatic cancer until they got their chemotherapy. For many cancers, chemotherapy just does not improve your survival rate. Some of these are colorectal, gastric, pancreatic, bladder, breast, ovarian, cervical and corpus uteri, head and neck. Knowing this, oncologists still recommend a regimen of chemotherapy. When President Reagan had his colon cancer successfully removed by surgery, his health was reported daily as he recovered. On his return to work, a spokesperson appeared, proclaimed him cured, and that was that. However, very nearly every patient who undergoes surgery for colon cancer gets put on chemotherapy afterwards. Why not President Reagan? Dr. Charles Simone, who today handles cancers with diet and lifestyle changes was hired on as the president’s personal oncologist. The public never learned of this because the good doctor, was stuffed into a grocery truck and made his entrance into the white house through the backdoor where deliveries are made. When questioning some top oncologists in the country, their were a lot of questions presented to them, one of them being: “Knowing the odds of successful outcome using chemotherapy are nil in many cancer cases, why do you continue to prescribe chemotherapy?” The answer was this: “We give it to patients so they won't give up hope and fall into the hands of quacks.” Quacks? Implicit in the definition of quackery is the sale of worthless or dangerous nostrums for profit. Who exactly are the quacks here? If a person dies during a chemotherapy study, that information is NOT included in the write up because the patient did NOT complete the study. This is NOT good science, but it seems our medical industry hides behind white coats and when you have a lot of BIG money to spend, first it's easy to spend other people's money and second, money doesn't talk, it SCREAMS. To fight cancer, as any disease, if you attack the disease itself, you are treating symptoms and chasing it instead of confronting the "root cause" of the problem. It is more than obvious that doctors have NO clue of how the body works and are practicing medicine (that is administering drugs) instead of concentrating on making that person healthy. Chemotherapy is simply destructive, costly, and ineffective in the majority of cancer victims. Like the oncologists, I would not subject myself to that insanity, but that is me who is working tirelessly to make people healthy and does NOT treat diseases, but focuses on promoting health. good luck to you
2 :
I would say you want to avoid taking supplements containing anti-oxidants. I was told to stop taking all supplements, but I did continue witha a multi-vitamin for children to reduce the amount of vitamins and to eliminate extra anti-oxidants. I was not told to avoid any foods or drinks. Pomegranate juice does contain a high level of anti-oxidants, so if you are drinking it deliberately to get anti-oxidants, I don't think that's a good idea. If you drink it occasionally because you like the taste, then it's probably fine. The point is you don't want to deliberately eat/drink things that contain extra high doses of anti-oxidants. But you don't have to avoid eating or drinking your normal foods which contain some anti-oxidants.
3 :
To be safe, he should ask his radiation oncologist. Studies show that green tea interferes with chemotherapy, so it's always a good idea to check with a qualified health care professional before you add anything new to your diet when you are being treated for cancer. If you are interested in learning about the potential benefits of pomegranate juice for prostate cancer, you can visit this link:
4 :
OnlyMatch, I'm amazed at some of the stuff you can come up with. I didn't even finish reading it. President Reagan had polyps removed that were tested and deemed NOT cancerous. I told my dr what I was taking and he was fine with all of flax seed oil capsules with omegas and lignans, vit d pill with calcium, and an antioxidant fruit juice concentrate that you only drink 1 oz a day. They make me feel better and it hasn't interfered with anything I've been or am going through.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Is it posible for a woman to get prostate cancer

Is it posible for a woman to get prostate cancer ?

Cancer - 9 Answers
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NO only men have a prostate.
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No woman do not have a prostate
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Just as posible as testicular cancer or penile cancer.
4 :
It's NOT possible dear! women do not have prostate.
5 :
I do not know whether a woman can get prostate cancer, but the previous answers are incorrect: Women most certainly DO have a prostate gland! These glands, previously called paraurethral or Skene's glands, are connected to the distal third of the urethra in the prevaginal space.
6 :
David's answer is a bit of a stretch. According to the wikipedia site he listed as a reference, Skene's gland in females is *homologous* to the prostate in males. It's not *equivalent* to the prostate. Look at it this way: the clitoris is homologous to the penis; does that mean women have a penis? The question you might ask is, can women get cancer of the Skene's gland? I wouldn't rule it out entirely (given my limited knowledge), but I work in a radiation therapy department and we've never had a case like that. If we did though, it wouldn't be called prostate cancer, because Skene's gland is not an actual prostate.
7 :
no, only men
8 :
Not unless the female anatomy has undergone a drastic change.
9 :
Of course no, your genital is different then a woman.

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Friday, October 8, 2010

What are the causes of Prostate cancer

What are the causes of Prostate cancer?

Cancer - 3 Answers
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We do not know what causes any cancer. This is a big part of what makes it so difficult to find cures for them.
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there are many things that are known or found to cause cancer or be carcinogenic but no one or two things in particular can pinpoint the exact cause of prostate cancer which is normally found in men over 50.
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An important risk factor is age; more than 70 percent of men diagnosed with this disease are over the age of 65. African American men have a substantially higher risk of prostate cancer than white men, including Hispanic men. In addition, dramatic differences in the incidence of prostate cancer are seen in different populations around the world. Genetic factors appear to play a role in prostate cancer development, particularly among families in which the diagnosis is made in men under age 60. The risk of prostate cancer rises with the number of close relatives who have the disease. Some evidence suggests that dietary factors may increase or decrease the risk of prostate cancer.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

prostate cancer what if your prostate cancer spreads to your spine

prostate cancer what if your prostate cancer spreads to your spine?

Cancer - 4 Answers
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then youll have cancer in your spine.
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Once cancer spreads or metastasizes to another location (like the spine) the prognosis is not as good and the cancer becomes more difficult to treat. There are therapies that can help decrease pain however a cure at this stage is unlikely.
3 :
When prostate cancer spreads to the bones of the back and presses on the spinal cord the results can be severe, including paralysis of the legs and loss of use of the bladder. These problems may be avoided if the spread of the tumor is treated before symptoms develop, according to a report in the journal Cancer . The authors of the study, Andrew Bayley, MD, and colleagues from the departments of radiation oncology and medical imaging at the Princess Margaret Hospital and the University of Toronto, Canada, report that 10% of men with prostate cancer develop signs and symptoms of tumor pressing on the spinal cord. When the problem is recognized early, and the patients are still able to walk, almost all of them are treated successfully. However, once paralysis sets in, only one out of 20 patients recover use of his legs, even with immediate treatment. The authors say a patient with prostate cancer who develops any weakness in the legs or difficulty urinating, whether or not there are any findings on a bone scan or they are receiving hormonal therapy, should see his physician immediately. This is the only way known to decrease the possibility of potentially severe paralysis, once symptoms occur, if prostate cancer is pressing on the spinal cord. In their study, the authors looked at 68 patients ranging in age from 50 to 84 years old. Sixty-four of the patients were already receiving hormone treatment. Spread of the tumor to the bones of the back had already been diagnosed in all of the men, but none had symptoms to suggest that the tumor had either spread to the spinal cord or was pressing on the cord itself. All of the men had a bone scan, a plain x-ray of the back and an MRI scan of the spine as part of the study. In 22 of the 68 patients, there was evidence on the MRI scan of tumor either near the cord (12 patients) or pressing on the cord itself (10 patients). None of these men knew the tumor was present in this location before the MRI scan was completed. Interestingly, back pain, a common symptom of prostate cancer when it spreads to the spine, did not predict whether or not the tumor was pressing on the cord. The authors concluded that, with early treatment, these men may be spared serious problems. The authors recommend that, when considering the balance of benefits and risks, nearly all patients who have early compression should be treated with radiation therapy.
4 :
If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are looking for answers, I highly recommend that you explore the website If it sounds like I am here to spread the word, I am! Just know that there are options available to you other than traditional surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. All of which are either invasive or toxic. Explore your options and contact the folks at Hope4Cancer. If nothing else, it'll be an educational experience.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

My father has prostate cancer

My father has prostate cancer?
Hi, My father recently had a test because his PSA level was 8.3. Today we found out he has prostate cancer and the doctor said something like "early signs of cancer." I assume that this is good because it's in the early stages if I interpret this properly? If so, my question is what would be the process to cure it? How long would it take? What are some treatment options? He is 54 years old. Thanks!
Cancer - 10 Answers
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1 :
Sorry to hear your father has cancer. My cousin is a prostate cancer survivor. He's been in remission for three years now. With the proper treatment, your father should do well. Good Luck!
2 :
Go to a health food store. Maybe Whole Foods or something. They have books on alternative medecine. The people there are also very smart. Ask them.
3 :
Prostrate cancer is a very slow growing cancer and has a very good recovery rate. He may have to have some chemo, but I am sure he will be okay. Just go to google and type in Prostrate cancer treatment and you will come up with lots of information. Good luck to your Father.
4 :
Research this but... Prostate cancer is a really, really slow growing cancer. It might take thirty years to kill him. Most people die from natural causes, especially at your father's age. Some research has shown that examinations for prostate cancer, and surgeries to remove the tumor might cause it to spread or get worse more rapidly. Also, one wrong clip and he could be impotent. So do your research and decide whether or not if you guys want to let this ride. Besides, their making some great strides in cancer research and treatment. Maybe letting the cancer ride for ten or fifteen years could let a safer, more effective treatment to appear.
5 :
If it's early stage, they can almost certainly sort it. I had the chop 7 yrs ago 'cos mine was too far gone. Now they can do implant chemo which zaps it, but I don't know how long it takes. Best of luck to him.
6 :
Prostate cancer usually is very slow growing how aggressive it is, is determined by the Gleason score, which you do not mention. There are more types of treatment for this disease than most other cancers and impossible to list here. However, your father should NOT let it ride for 10-15 years because he is too young. There are many variables that go into deciding what treatment route a patient should go. I suggest he get a second opinion. If he decides on surgery I would go robotic and if he decides on radiation I would look into CyberKnife. You should also know there is a vaccine for prostate cancer that is expected to be on the market by February that looks very promising. This is not a preventative vaccine it is intended for treatment of cancer.
7 :
tell dad to visit click on the "mms professional prompt" study the info in detail.I cannot tell you more due to fda rules.
8 :
A complete guide to prostate cancer, including treatment can be found at:
9 :
He would most likely need surgical intervention if he decided to have it removed, which can be done open or laprascopically. Radiation is also an option but I have not seen used at all in my hospital. Chemo is not used until after the cancer has sprend. In some cases if the prostate cancer in small and not aggresive then "watch and wait" can also be an option. Make sure your dad is getting the info he needs and ask questions. Hope all goes well
10 :
Early prostate cancer (that is, prostate cancer that is still localized) is highly curable. Most men have several options available: surgery (traditional open surgery or robotic), radiation (traditional X-rays, protons,seeds, or some combination), or cryotherapy. Most men have surgery or radiation. There is also HIFU, which uses ultrasound to destroy the tumor. It is non-surgical, does not use radiation, and is relatively non-invasive. However, it is not currently available for prostate cancer in the U.S. except in a clinical trial. Some men can carefully monitor their prostate cancer without taking immediate action. This is called "watchful waiting" or "active surveillance." Generally speaking, it is not a good option for such a young man as your father, because he could miss the window of curability. There is no single best option for every man. Each man needs to evaluate his options, what's important to him, and weigh the pros and cons of each option, in consultation with doctors. See "How to Find the Best Prostate Cancer Treatment for YOU" and "How to Estimate Your Prostate Cancer Cure Odds" I also like the book "Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" (2007 ed.) Being diagnosed with prostate cancer is common, but dying from it is not. Best wishes to you and your father.

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