Monday, July 20, 2009

Why does only masturbating reduce a man's chance of getting prostate cancer? Why not regular sex

Why does only masturbating reduce a man's chance of getting prostate cancer? Why not regular sex?

Men's Health - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
ask God
2 :
i am hearing this for the first time in my life Prostate cancer can happen to anybudy. masturbating or not masturbating
3 :
sex does too. the thing is most guys masturbate more often than they get sex. even married guys dont have sex every day. Its all about number of ejaculations
4 :
I think men need to just have orgasms on a regular basis; like several times a week. It does not make a difference if it is from sex or masturbation.
5 :
It doesn't make any difference if the orgasms are produced by masturbating or sex. The point about masturbating is that it maintains the ejaculation rate when a sexual partner is not available. A study found that men who have had regular ejaculations (20+ per month) throughout their teens and adult life, have a significant reduction in the risk of contracting prostate cancer in later life. This study lasted several years, and involved 30,000 subjects. A later study suggested the opposite to be true, but this only looked at 800 men, and was conducted over a shorter time span, so it's results aren't as reliable as the previous research. Hope this helps
6 :
all guys masturbate before they ever start to have regular sex... the key word being regular... ejaculation is the actual factor in reducing prostate cancer risk...

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