Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is prostate cancer hereditary

is prostate cancer hereditary?
My boyfriend just told me his dad may have prostate cancer. Is there any chance he could have it too?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's not necessarily hereditary, but you are at a greater risk of getting it if it is in your family.
2 :
he might have the cancer but in latent state. the best way to find out is by consulting a doctor
3 :
It's not hereditary but if your father/grandfather has/had it your chances are higher. At 40 he should have a baseline psa and then have periodic tests every year or so to monitor. It's a simple blood test so it's no big deal. He needs to discuss with his physician.
4 :
Hereditary cancer is rare - fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary - and cancer diagnosed after the age of 50 is even less likely to be hereditary. A sign that cancer MIGHT be hereditary is when several members of the same side of a family have had that SAME type of cancer, especially if some have developed it at a younger than usual age. One family member over the age of 50 with an age related cancer like prostate cancer is not hereditary

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