how often is the regular?
Men's Health - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Never heard of that one.
2 :
Nope, that is not true.
3 :
never herad of it
4 :
There actually have been several studies which analysed the relation between ejaculation and prostate cancer. Now although the conclusion from these studies indicate that masturbation can reduce prostate cancer, this is on the basis of regular ejaculation and the removal of carcinogens in the prostate gland. As many of these carcinogens are released during ejaculation, the hypothesis is that masturbation can reduce the risks of prostate cancer. As for your question as to how often is regular? According to the study, 4-5 times per week would count as an average number of ejaculations per week.
5 :
6 :
Yep, according to some scientists. The regular release of old sperm keeps whatever's in the prostate fresh, thus reducing chances of cancer. In the magazine I read, they say regular is once a week. Again, that's just according to some scientists. I'm not sure if it's confirmed already.
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