Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prostate cancer - side effects of radiation therapy

Prostate cancer - side effects of radiation therapy?
My husbane started radiation therapy today to treat prostate cancer. His doctors have advised him that there will be no side effects apart from perhaps some fatigue towards the end of the course of treatment. He has a stressful job and is concerned that the therapy may affect his ability to work at some stage. Has anyone reading this had this treatment? What, if any, side effects did you experience and how were they treated? He is 60 and the cancer was detected in its very early stages.
Men's Health - 1 Answers
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Everyone responds differently as their bodies are different. However, the doctors probably are your best source for the side effects of his therapy. If he is experiencing fatigue, he should limit the amount of activity outside of work, and rest more on his off work hours. A lot of people have develop some anemia and other vitamin and mineral deficiency problems during radiation and or chemo. Ask his doctor if taking a multi vitamin/mineral supplement would be beneficial. Fuzzy

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