Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Brother was diagnosedwith prostate cancer he has started Chemotherapy he is 46

My Brother was diagnosedwith prostate cancer he has started Chemotherapy he is 46?
He is 46 it spread he has started chemo. will he be cured
Cancer - 2 Answers
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Because the doctors started him on chemo, that is a strong indication that he will survive. It may take a while, and chemo is a very physically demanding thing to go through. Just think about how much you're worried, now think of him. It's going to be hard, but just keep your spirits up and be with him. EDIT: no one can tell if he will be cured. The doctors could determine he was cured and 10 years later it show up again. I'm sorry, but that's generally what happens. But, look up and when he is cured celebrate because he made it!

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